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Everything posted by GG

  1. Huh? CB dropped coverage and Goodwin was alone. Don't think it would have been a TD, but def first down
  2. Don't think so. TT recognized the S a split second too late. An earlier throw is uncontested catch.
  3. The QB carries disproportionate weight in the game. He absolutely needed to hit a wide open Goodwin with the game on the line. If your QB can't make that play, you need to keep looking for one.
  4. Yup. Goodwin had about five open yards to make an uncontested catch if the throw was on target and on time.
  5. Did you see the wide angle shots? There's no way Bills run game was going to work today with Dolphins cheating up. The only way to win today was for TT and the receivers to make big plays. They didn't do enough.
  6. Funny but I put the blame on the tub of goo franchise DT
  7. You're confusing companies. Time Warner Inc does not own Time Warner Cable. Cable was spun off a while ago and was just bought by Charter cable. AT&T has the mobile DTV offering in the works that should launch very soon. Had nothing to do with the Time Warner deal. AT&T bought DTV for the programming and better video delivery than what they had with uVerse. Don't know what TWX gives them for $85 bn.
  8. Shouldn't affect DTV at all.
  9. You seem to have no problem coming back for a beating. Keep bombing away, you're doing fine. It's still just a flesh wound.
  10. As far as I can see, you're the only one who's bigoted and prejudiced in this discussion. So it is a good thing for you to walk away.
  11. So since you're harping on this and fully understand Kaep's protest, who are the other people of color that he claims are oppressed in the USA?
  12. Is your argument that because he's white he can't comment on Kaep's statements?
  13. That's a mighty progressive attitude to take, hypocrite. Maybe you can take your hand off your patronizing shoulder and see that I rebutted your false claim first. And did it all without consulting misguided 25-yr old reporters.
  14. So if I get this straight, we're supposed to get our walking cues from reputable news agencies and not form our own opinions?
  15. Yup, apparently DOS attack on east coast.
  16. How many were suspended within 24 hrs? Zero. How many still had full support of the owner? All of them
  17. So did Bisciotti and he was going to do nothing. He gave Rice much more support Keep trying.
  18. So in your mind it's an equivalent situation despite the fact that the Rice process took months to sort itself out, (during which time the team & NFL were supportive of Rice) but you expect the Giants to cut him within 24 hours, without all facts being analyzed. And you're totally fine equating the two situations.
  19. Again, how different is that from Ravens KNOWING that an incident occurred between Rice & fiance in the casino, and them not doing anything UNTIL the videos came out? Read what I wrote. Of course it will continue to be a problem as long as people are perfectly ok in perpetuating false narratives.
  20. Please be sure that you compare the proper timelines. NFL & Ravens were going to do nothing to Rice when news broke that he had an incident with his fiance at the casino. Then, they were going to suspend him for 2 days once video leaked out of him dragging her out from the elevator. It was only after the punch video was unearthed that he got blackballed. The entire process took months. But, yeah Brown is being treated better because he's white.
  21. And apparently you have no qualms in perpetuating the false perception, because the Baltimore owner was more supportive of his player than the NYG owner. And as long as people continue to run false narratives to support their prejudiced views, you'll continue to have people sitting for the national anthem on false pretenses.
  22. It's a standard POS Gannett web template.
  23. Pointing out a statistical truism is not the same as advocating its outcome. One obvious choice, is if possible to re-establish the nuclear family.
  24. If you're going to make an assertion like this, it helps to have the history straight. Steve Bisciotti was fully behind Rice and didn't want to impose greater punishment, but once the video came out the NFL forced his hand. He has been supportive of Rice throughout the process and went public that Rice deserves another chance in the league. In that sense, Giants treating of Brown looks to be more severe than that of Rice if you compare the timelines and that no video evidence exists for Brown, but was very damning in Rice's case. But I know, it's all about the race.
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