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Everything posted by GG

  1. Should go here for his deepest policy proposals.
  2. Everything is correct, except they're still not admitting the obvious as to why they lost the election. Only Jim Ruttenberg at NYT is willing to touch the 3rd rail.
  3. Echo chamber. The turnouts look to be bigger in certain urban areas where the journalists live, but apparently much smaller in the rest of the country. Dems sat this one out, and have nobody but themselves to blame.
  4. Looking at the predictable leftist meltdown on the usual sites, no one is willing to recognize that Dems nominated a fatal candidate. Just looking at the polls, it's becoming more clear that Hillary lost a lot of support that went to Obama in 2012. As of now, Hillary received 6 million less votes than Obama, and Trump received less total votes than Romney.
  5. Lot's of mea culpas this morning. But the hard part is coming up. The dog caught up to the car.
  6. Trump was always a consummate salesman, and he sold himself to the voting public. Now comes the much harder job, of which he's never really been good at, being a good executive manager. Let's hope the kids keep him grounded.
  7. Wake me when the coronation commences.
  8. Trump is the opposite pendulum swing of the Obama presidency
  9. Fence mending?
  10. What are the odds he's ever prepared any speech?
  11. I'm projecting AZ, UT, WI, IA, NH, AK to get to 272
  12. Latest projection is a 269-269 tie
  13. Like drinking Pepto & bourbon on Comedy Central?
  14. AP just called Fla for Trump NBC - NC for Trump
  15. Stock futures are plummeting.
  16. Romney didn't run against the most corrupt candidate in memory.
  17. You do realize it's a Tuesday today?
  18. CNN - IN, KY Trump VT Clinton
  19. That's why people in "already decided" states should still pull the Johnson lever. It's not for this election, but to give the Libertarians enough votes to increase their funding for the next round, and hopefully nominate a serious candidate.
  20. Granted I live in a bluest of blue towns, but if the turnout at the polling place is an indication, looks like Hilly supporters are not leaving anything to chance. A big turn out is bad news for Trumpsters.
  21. Yeah, you can relax and take solace at the polling booth today.
  22. They don't pay each other's salaries. The fans do. The more the fans tune off, especially after the garbage tonight, the less these guys will get along down the road.
  23. Do you think it will be a comfortable flight back for #24 for the next five hours, knowing that Sherman's cheap shot was the difference tonight? Unless Pegulas got him a ticket on a United red eye coach.
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