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Everything posted by GG

  1. Not really. The majority of his platform, and how he would accomplish it would be giving away free stuff.
  2. No it isn't. The biggest threat to our sovereignty is loss of US prestige and power in global affairs. US Treasuries are spiking a day after electing a man who many fear would start a global nuclear war.
  3. Another ploy by Trump to buy distressed real estate?
  4. The implication came from his comments that he believes that marriage is an issue that should be handled at the state level.
  5. Is the fine going to be cut?
  6. What disgusts me are the growing number of FB posts by the crybabies who are now blaming the rural folk for their predicament. They don't even realize how hypocritical their elitism looks, and is precisely the reason these voters were attracted by Trump's message. The morons don't even realize it was a similar message that siphoned off 45% of Hillary's base in the primaries.
  7. Trump lost? But the rural vs urban divide has always been a key factor in US politics, and that's why very wisely the founding fathers devised the system of government that recognized that divide. The moron commentarians who don't know their US history don't realize that without the original compromises between the delegates on the system of government, there would have been no USA.
  8. And here I'm told that a billion random emails stored somewhere in a vault is a greater threat to my privacy.
  9. And here come the internal divisions & recriminations. Consider the source, but not out of the realm of possibility.
  10. Wouldn't this be a great way to get him OUT of the Senate?
  11. Did you miss this nugget? “This is how we get whole,” she said with a laugh. “We’re going to do to you what you did to us in 2006.”
  12. What have socialists ever given the world other than destruction of other people's property & murder?
  13. No one has ever argued that. What was pointed out repeatedly to the left is that Obama's supercharged use of the executive orders would give the next occupant (likely a Republican) plenty of precedent to continue the abuse. No one should say they weren't warned.
  14. No, Dodd-Frank is an abominaton, but it is a law. We're referring to the unilateral additions to the Federal Register that act as laws, but weren't passed by the chambers. Don't have to imagine it. It's been forewarned for the last 15 months.
  15. I gave you examples above. There's a big difference in the number of times vs their effect on the people and economy
  16. Off the top of my head CFPB, FCC & EPA regs that are effective laws.
  17. Why not? It follows last week's discussion of a well placed device in the end-zone.
  18. Does he realize that blacks sitting out this election caused Hillary's loss?
  19. Is that because you're afraid he'd drink all the Coke & Pepsi before he can deliver it?
  20. At least ammo will be more available now.
  21. Just think of the children.
  22. Doesn't change the fact that she got 6 million less votes than Obama
  23. Just like any politician, he'll blame the weather and political gridlock.
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