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Everything posted by GG

  1. Mostly to appeal unpaid parking tickets.
  2. Legally, only if your trip begins or ends in NYC
  3. And somewhere, Mia Khalifa sheds a tear.
  4. Nassau, Suffolk & Westchester carry a lot of weight too.
  5. NYC taxis are governed by the City's Taxi & Limo Commission and don't have to answer to the State. Uber got in early and beat back opposition with aggressive social media attacks which worked in a densely populated area where much less people own cars. The rest of NY is too widespread and many more own cars for effective lobbying to work on behalf of a service that not as many will use. To me, it's obscene to have last call at 4AM but also not allow Uber to operate.
  6. It's a state issue. Uber is everywhere in NYC.
  7. Works for me.
  8. He should enlist the two ladies from the Youtube videos.
  9. Did he run an after tax NPV comparison? Extending the duration may not necessarily be a bad thing.
  10. Did he have the $20k lying around to pay the student loans off? If not, then he did a smart thing of using the equity in his house to pay off the student debt.
  11. I wouldn't have started this thread with a different candidate (maybe Bernie), because none of them ran a populist campaign promising everything to everybody and painting themselves as the anti-politician. I called Trump a dumber Obama, and the voters bought into Trump's version of Hope & Change. So yeah, you bringing up Gitmo carries a certain irony to this thread. The difference of course is that most of the world will highlight Trump's broken promises, while everyone ignored Obama's, and in fact cheered his ineptitude as a success, but then were blasted in the face by the reality of the election. That's what Trump faces, and his blowback will be more severe and more sudden.
  12. On optics alone too many old white men. Fiorina should be considered for Commerce or Labor.
  13. I hate this play because it's ripe to get a player killed or paralyzed. It's just a matter of time until coaches figure out a way to deflect the player who's jumping over the line and if he catches his foot while in the air, he's coming down head first from 10 feet in the air.
  14. On 60 Minutes today Trump was shown telling his supporters to "Stop It" and tamp down the harassment, and is getting positive feedback on that. Of course, Trump made those comments on Friday, but CBS decided to sit on the soundbite for two whole days, while violent protests are still going on and everyone calling on Trump to say something.
  15. can't all be Trump's fault.
  16. It's like watching a slow motion train wreck.
  17. Hey buddy, put this into the proper Trump Broken Promises thread to count them all. Not even a week.
  18. Maybe the Bills deserve to have a fan base that calls it quits in mid season. The question, as always, "Why bother to care and waste fall Sundays when you clearly know how it's going to end?" Pick a hobby. Learn something new. Why subject yourself to torture when you know you're going to get heartbroken?
  19. You can sugracoat it all you want but it's indisputable that the actual deplorables have surfaced this week and are gloating and it would be Presidential of Trump to address it head on, especially if he wants to separate himself from Obama and stop subliminally flaming racial tensions. The reason you haven't seen the KKK march is because it's scheduled for Dec 3.
  20. Interesting question if Oilers would have traded Hall for Pesyk
  21. And Trump didn't defeat a black man, and they're marching specifically to show their love of Trump. No matter how much you sugarcoat it, Trump has brought out the ugly elements into the light, when they were hidden under a rock previously. Look no further than this site.
  22. Not just that episode Plenty of other cases where Trumpster divers are crowing about the win in an ugly fashion. Do you think KKK would stage a victory parade if Romney was elected.
  23. Yup, stupid reactions aren't just limited to the left. Plenty of Trump inspired ugliness coming out from idiots.
  24. I'm guessing the laundromats would have some specials for sheet washing for Ozy & crew
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