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Everything posted by GG

  1. Don't mind the checkdowns, but do mind the wide open throws he's missing.
  2. 0 points in the second half on the road against a guy who's feasted on this defense in the past? Ok.
  3. As opposed to the $1 million coverage that Uber provides? And for greater measure, let's say that that the damage is greater than $1 million. Who's in a better position to pay the overage, the local hack owner or a $40 billion enterprise? Keep digging. Uber is successful solely because taxis overcharge for the service they provide, are not available when you most need them and overall generally suck.
  4. I'm sure this crusade will start a rebound in the value of an artificially inflated good.
  5. Anyone have an update on the offending ground zero mosque? Somehow it's not an issue anymore.
  6. Absolutely. Legal immigration quotas haven't kept up with population & economic growth over the last 30 years.
  7. This is a totally idiotic position.
  8. Yet when Obama offered State to Hillary, it was seen as a brilliant move to sideline a potential rival for a possible primary battle.
  9. Kinda like the last 7+ years
  10. I also remember the days when we were told that AOL was better than the Internet. Good old days.
  11. This is probably the best place for this take. Said with a straight face.
  12. You have him confused with Doritos. Much more orange.
  13. Is that speech for real?
  14. You're only thinking of direct political contributions, as opposed to levies & fees that the local TLCs get from the taxi companies that they don't get from Uber. One example - in many cities Verifone provides the credit card swipes in the taxis along with a convenience fee of 8% and a surcharge. Much of that fee goes to the TLC. Cabbies hate it, but that's the monopoly game. With Uber, there's no similar fee that gets paid to the TLC and cabbies and consumers aren't gouged for a simple credit card transaction. I don't buy the lack of interest in Buffalo & Rochester as the reason, since many smaller cities do allow Uber. Buffalo & Rochester get the short end because they reside in a nanny state where the pols don't want to lose a revenue stream, and there isn't enough consumer blowback. The other states with similar demographics as Buffalo & Rochester didn't care enough to put up stupid roadblocks.
  15. Because only an anti-semite would replace an Orthodox Jew editor at large with a more Orthodox Jew editor at large.
  16. That's funny, because other outlets are reporting that it is Pence that's cleaning out all Christie influence. He also dismissed all lobbyists from the transition team. So far so good.
  17. That was during a massive snowstorm, where they couldn't clear out many streets and he was MIA.
  18. There are many denials that Bannon is an anti-semite from Orthodox Jews who directly worked with him for several years. They say he's a horrible human being, but not an anti-semite.
  19. Ugh. What a year for a tank like performance.
  20. Like to be argumentative huh? Surprise. It's called a medallion in NYC, a diamond in Nassau, etc. The name doesn't matter. It's all a licensing game that's regulated by county cronies who definitely lose more fees with Uber than they get with regular cabs. The taxi licenses are not owned by individual drivers, but by the companies. The main reason the taxis lost in NYC is because Kalanick launched a massive Twitter campaign by users who flooded the city officials with complaints if Uber was to be shut down. There's no way city hall was going to stand up to that much popular outrage. Uber hasn't been able to get the same groundswell of support outside NYC. And it hasn't been for the lack of trying
  21. It's not the cabbies, but the medallion owners who are in bed with the local TLCs. They're ones who push the agenda with NYS legislators. There is zero logical reason why Uber is fine in NYC, but not fine outside the 5 boros, especially since they allow pick ups and drop offs in the outlying counties. Rest of NYS is screwed by the nanny state.
  22. It's not just the miles traveled but who he's interacted with in the last two decades. I'm guessing he's been much more involved in international affairs than Newt.
  23. So you're saying he just pieced the plays together in a random way?
  24. Remember that Giuliani started a security consulting firm after his mayoralty that had a bunch of high placed foreign clients.
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