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Everything posted by GG

  1. Ah, the old Warm N Fuzzy Feeling index. I hear it was off the charts in the last 8 years.
  2. See, the kinder gentler Nazis. Essentially, he's parroting the Initial Solution but when that doesn't work, you have no choice but implement the Final Solution.
  3. The teams below us are likely out of playoff contention, so there's less incentive for them to claim him.
  4. How do you quantify the fortunes of a country?
  5. Not definitively, but highly probable.
  6. It's the inherent contradiction of the supremacists' movement to soften their image. But the contradiction has always been there, as I'm not aware of many Nazi groups who've openly admitted that the Final Solution was real.
  7. Are you saying that hacking into private conversations of top people in one political party, and then releasing them to the public in the months leading up to an election was NOT election related and had zero effect? Only morons are claiming that Russians hacked into the voting systems. But the same thing can be said about people who claim that the hack had no effect on the election.
  8. Why are you guys surprised? It's usually part of the package.
  9. There was a discussion about it yesterday
  10. I've generally been supportive of Rex, but there were easily 3 winnable games this year where the D wilted with a lead in the third quarter.
  11. NY Day tickets are under $20 I'm guessing they will be free on game day.
  12. Does Russ Brandon sit in on those too?
  13. Gilmore has earned the rep to avoid obvious PI calls. That's the kind of CB you keep.
  14. Can we get through the Pittsburgh game first?
  15. You implied it. The same inference can be made about all the former Goldman Sachs people in Trump's inner circle.
  16. Again, the two are not related because banks were trying to get as little TARP as possible. Let alone that you don't even understand the difference between the various operating groups within bank holding companies. But yeah, its all Citibank for the simpletons
  17. Yup, two completely different points of reference about one company is proof enough that they're related. No wonder you never run out of theories.
  18. Maybe then you can explain how contributions to Obama's campaign flavored Bush's and Paulson's actions in October 2008. Stick to alien sightings and conspiracy theories involving spy programs. You still don't have a clue about these topics.
  19. I know you have trouble understanding complex financial transactions, but this is a rather simple one. During the financial crisis, the banks wanted as low of TARP allocation as possible, because the bigger the amount the bigger the problem and banks didn't want to be seen as in trouble (that's why they lied about LIBOR). There were many banks who didn't want any TARP money at all, but were forced to take it. Citi got the biggest infusion because it was the biggest basket case at the time, not because it funneled the most contributions to Obama.
  20. And had absolutely nothing to do with how much they received under TARP.
  21. What exactly does the email and the CNBC story show?
  22. I thought he liked government intervention in private enterprises?
  23. Not to miss a beat, NYT is out with a shocking story about an "undercover alliance" between energy companies and attorneys general from red states. I'm guessing that green activists pushing an agenda behind the scenes at the EPA is all in the open.
  24. Not quite. EJ is perfectly adept in throwing over the middle, and it's probably his best option. Unfortunately he also likes to force throws into triple coverage over the middle because the defenses know his tendencies.
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