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Everything posted by GG

  1. He is what his record says. A middle of the road GM who's been helped by an owner's check book.
  2. I think the point of the post a few spots above is Whaley's good moves were mostly due to good fortune, not accumen. Grigson called him about Hughes. Kelly called him about McCoy, but he called McCoy about Brown. Do Bills get Tyrod or Richie without Rex? His drafts are weak. The FAs are decent, but it's uncertain how much influence the coach had in bringing those players.
  3. It was interesting to see the run game open up a bit more with Cardale in there. Jets were dialing up the pressure on the rook, but they didn't get stifled as bad as when EJ was in there. The point being that if there's a half way competent QB under center, Bills should still have an effective run game. Tough to evaluate with EJ back there. But that's beside the point, as others are pointing out, unless something falls into Bills lap by March, they'd be stupid to part with TT.
  4. I think all of Bills running issues today were due to the QBs. Jets didn't even pretend to play pass defense. Tyrod definitely gives them another dimension, but i think the run game can be strong as long as they have a QB back there who can complete an NFL caliber throw. EJ was a sh!t show, and Cardale was marginally better, as long as his first read was open.
  5. Can you just imagine McAdoo thinking, "I can't wait to bet this franchise on Ryan Nassib"
  6. Don't forget to dab a little oil on the dry pan and spread it around the surface to keep oxidation out.
  7. You're missing the responsibility part of the accountability question.
  8. Why? They're too stupid to complete a sentence, so they need help?
  9. You mean the play where dolphins committed two penalties, and were held to a FG on the drive?
  10. The only person who took the heat for ARod's departure was Giradi for sitting him on the bench for his final week. There were zero complaints for the Yankees move from the NY media.
  11. The phins certainly benefited from Blanton not knowing where to line up or what calls to make.
  12. In the first 2-1/2 quarters of the game, Bills gave up about 150 yards in 7 drives, and then gave up 270 yards in 4 drives. What happened?
  13. According to the family, he's in a coma but hasn't passed. Collapsed while running.
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the OP made a comparison between Jim Leonhard and AW, and their roles in the Rex Ryan defense. Weren't you also the guy who highlighted the importance of safety play in a Rex Ryan defense? Didn't several players specifically point to AW's absence as a bad turning point for the defense? Bad safety play caused at least two losses. Nobody is saying that AW was a great player in Bills history. But it's equally ridiculous to sloth off his role in this defense.
  15. AW was a huge loss. Someone posted Bills record with and without him right after the Miami game. Also have to wonder about the drafts and speculation if Whaley or rex ran the picks. Do you think that Rex wouldn't pick a safety in either of the drafts, or went for help other than Blanton or Colt Anderson? Still can't have your entire defense rely on a player who's one hit away from a wheelchair.
  16. Because he's the last bastion against neoconcervatism
  17. Been meaning to respond to this for a while, and then ran across this article last week that brings up the difference between the era you're talking about and the current world. You may poo poo Trump's sloganisms all you want, but the message is clean and clear. To make America great again, he's bringing back the nostalgia of the period you're talking about. So for kicks, try separating the messenger from the message. You talk about the collective country and humanity, as if that really exists or ever existed. The America Trump is talking about, and I'm assuming you too, was great when the population lived by a different moral code. The bicoasts can laugh at the old fashioned God, Family, Country ethos, and laugh along with the President as he tossed the insult the electorate. Then nobody should be surprised that people don't take slights kindly, and the complaint is that old folks are clinging to an old world, then you better give them something better to believe in and devote their lives to. I'm far from a religious person, but spend a lot of time among people who are, and unequivocally, the religious friends & family are more devoted, caring and charitable than my atheist friends. So don't think that the issues aren't related. You can't slam God & Family, and then wonder why there's far less attention paid to the Country.
  18. Wake him up before you go go But on a serious note, RIP to a big talent. Too young.
  19. A double reverse call from Van Pelt to Reed rivals that one. Also with playoffs in reach In overtime And got the coaches fired
  20. My thoughts exactly. This is finally a healthy roster and they still looked pathetic against reeling teams. Too bad there's no McEichel in this draft. Great timing Buffalo.
  21. Technically yes, as many were Democrats back in the day, but got disenchanted with the socialist leanings of the Democratic party and made a vocal exit. On topic though, nothing says a takeover of a cabinet than appointing a neocon's wife to be an assistant to an assistant of a unit within a cabinet. Many people don't realize that Zerohedge is the OC equivalent of finance bloggers. What he lacks in substance, he makes up with volume and charts (instead of emoticons) I'm still cracking up with his take that Apple was running the world's largest illegal hedge fund without any disclosure.
  22. Let's see what the neocon mouthpieces are saying in their panic mode to stoke the Russia theory. Weekly Standard Daily Caller
  23. The question you meant too ask was, what's the incarceration rate of poor people accused of a crime, vs rate of rich people accused of a crime.
  24. More likely a giant middle finger to Netanyahu.
  25. I'm becoming more convinced that the downside of a Pegula ownership is that their style encourages slacking off. They make life too easy on their franchises.
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