Again, they're being pilloried over not being media savvy and not on the content of their non-answers. No one is discussing the possibility that he doesn't want to touch the Tyrod & Rex questions because of legal implications. Both cases are probably in the lawyers' hands right now, and it doesn't do the franchise any good to be blabbing about it to TBN.
From a fan's perspective, how much more information would we get if he answered about:
Rex, "The team was not moving in the direction we wanted it to, so the coach and we agreed to part ways" vs. "It's a personal thing"
Tyrod, "He is under contract right now. He had a procedure last week. We'll see how his recovery goes" vs. "It's a personal thing"
If I were in their position, I'd be tired of the amateur hour questions that always pop up.
From a fan's persp