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Everything posted by GG

  1. Nice superimposition of a planned TV show with The Terminator. It will be awesome if she's cast on next season's Celebrity Apprentice.
  2. What are you blathering about? What's hard to understand that despite Trump's obvious flaws, the electorate preferred him to HRC.
  3. Ah, so you were the extra in The Accused?
  4. There goes the diversity candidate
  5. That's easy. HRC was worse
  6. Then why are you surprised at the kindergarten histrionics?
  7. No, I said that anyone supporting trump better be ready for another four years of rule by an intellectual lightweight, thin skinned narcissist, who's had a spotty record of executive management, who has burned nearly every bridge he crossed and even has managed to alienate Wall Street bankers. The man's sole guiding star is his massive inferiority complex and that doesn't bode well in the long term. I also said that anytime he's faced people across the table who call his bluster, he loses badly. So far so good on the economic front during his first week. But the man's mantle hasn't been truly tested yet.
  8. Get in the way back machine to summer of 2015 and read what people were saying.
  9. Must have been the other political circle jerk on this site.
  10. Again, your ignorance is showing. The people who get the most crap on this site are the unadulterated partisans who are disconnected from reality in thinking they're not partisan. Case in point, your threads.
  11. This board has been active for about 20 years, and over time PPP has developed a fairly good vetting system for calling out idiots. Your foray here is just the latest incarnation of somebody jumping in to parrot somebody else's thoughts and then getting indignant when they're immediately laughed at. Al newbies get one or two posts' of benefit of doubt. But fools aren't suffered easily. If you truly have been lurking here for as long as you have, you certainly would have picked that up.
  12. Again, no ****. This has been written and warned about trump for the last 18 months. There's a reason there isn't a single bank that will fund his real estate developments and why he went full bore into licensing.
  13. No ****, sherlock. There's no shortage of critical opinion of trump on these pages. Yet, Hillary still couldn't beat him.
  14. Didn't know that, but certainly found out on the news yesterday about the local NJ boy who was the big star for the Pats*
  15. Sucks for the regular Janes and Joes who work on all those productions. I'm sure they have the cash to sit out of work.
  16. Because he's not a natural born citizen or a Jew?
  17. Harrison was also an established star when he came to NE. The lunch pail guys that people usually highlight from whom BB gets production are Woodhead, Welker, Edelman, Amendola and now Hogan.
  18. Funny, but I don't remember people calling them intelligent, high character lunch pail dudes. Maybe Troy Brown, but BB inherited him, IIRC
  19. You gotta throw in the black dude in the discussion of Belichick getting intelligent players to fit his system, otherwise a pattern may develop.
  20. And yet, he made Brock Osweiler look like an NFL quality QB. Maybe he's not a total moron.
  21. Did anyone in the protests recognize the massive irony of highlighting a woman wearing a full Islamic head dress as progress for women's rights?
  22. Who stole Greggy's login?
  23. Of course they did. Let's take a walk down memory lane for some hilarity, shall we? There were millions of angry white men descending on the capitol and yelling, "not my president" - Including the people on the right end of the ideological divide. But, I recall people telling us that inaugurations were special events, even if you didn't agree with the choice. And then you wonder why you're a joke of a poster.
  24. You can make this argument about any facet of government and how lobbyists from the public and private sectors are always trying to influence legislation. You almost had a lucid thought, but then derailed again. It's very easy to believe that the Deep State controls everything through their puppet strings, and frankly it makes for great TV and movies. In reality though, it is a sheer impossibility because the Deep State is run by humans who all have different agendas, levels of intellect, egos, phobias, insecurities, personal demons and ambition. It's hard enough to get a group of ten people in a room to agree on a lunch choice, and you're stoking a theory that there's a cadre (cabal?) of shadowy personalities who for the last 70 years have collectively controlled the world order. Don't you think the odds are high that given the magnitude of the Deep State and its time frame, that a gatorman infiltrated its inner workings and blew the whole thing up with basic stupidity?
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