You can make this argument about any facet of government and how lobbyists from the public and private sectors are always trying to influence legislation.
You almost had a lucid thought, but then derailed again. It's very easy to believe that the Deep State controls everything through their puppet strings, and frankly it makes for great TV and movies.
In reality though, it is a sheer impossibility because the Deep State is run by humans who all have different agendas, levels of intellect, egos, phobias, insecurities, personal demons and ambition. It's hard enough to get a group of ten people in a room to agree on a lunch choice, and you're stoking a theory that there's a cadre (cabal?) of shadowy personalities who for the last 70 years have collectively controlled the world order. Don't you think the odds are high that given the magnitude of the Deep State and its time frame, that a gatorman infiltrated its inner workings and blew the whole thing up with basic stupidity?