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Everything posted by GG

  1. Only to keep drumming the notion that he celebrated thousands of deaths, because ... Trump. It takes a depraved mind to miss that perspective.
  2. He did exactly what you claim he didn't do. Why did Cuomo & DiBlasio blow off CDC's suggestions and not take the virus seriously? Why was the Gov yukking it up on CNN while people died? Why are deaths a shiny object to you and your hero?
  3. Is that why you were posting stats during NYC peak, when bodies were piling up in Hart Island and UHauls and families couldn't grieve their loved ones, at the same time that King Andrew & Fredo were yukking it up on CNN? Perspective is a wonderful trait to have in a crisis.
  4. You mean by continuing the policies that put black & brown people in these situations in the first place?
  5. Do they realize that communists are the biggest racists in the world?
  6. Maintain an adequate supply of toilet paper, obviously.
  7. Those are all valid concerns, which should apply equally to massive outdoor events where people are locking arms and screaming at the top of their lungs.
  8. What in the world are you talking about?
  9. Eliminates the possibility of intentionally frivolous lawsuits
  10. Don't let the cat toy bother you.
  11. Uhm, who's having a 2-yr old temper tantrum?
  12. Is he walking through a NYS nursing home?
  13. Those words just prove just how sick you are.
  14. Since you enjoy video appearances by your heros, here's their true product:
  15. We certainly won't be cheering dead people in extermination camps.
  16. Enjoy the dance. Don't forget flowers and disinfectant spray for the uHaul trucks.
  17. He's your hero of the day, so why do you choose to ignore his comments that the unit under his care was NOT disbanded, but reassigned.
  18. Not according to your hero of the day https://twitter.com/AmbJohnBolton/status/1238843788858208257?s=20https://twitter.com/AmbJohnBolton/status/1238843788858208257?s=20
  19. Are you intentionally trying to prove that you are a blithering idiot? Everything you described actually happened! The "non-existent" pandemic response team created the Wuhan virus task force in January and there was constant dialogue between the Feds and the high risk states from January through February. Most governors took the warnings seriously. Throughout this time, the response from NYS was that everything was fine, despite many people's concerns that NYS wasn't taking the threat seriously. Who told people to go out and enjoy a movie on March 2? Who was still squabbling on March 11 about holding St Patty's parade? Why were the only states to have severe outbreaks and deaths were the ones following Cuomo's lead instead of the Fed's guidelines? The story is more clear that NYS completely fubared the response, yet because Cuomo gave good press conferences people ignored dead bodies being dumped on Hart Island and in uHauls. None of that had to happen if the governor was more concerned about what's happening in his state and not fighting with the moron Nazi mayor. Thousands died unnecessarily because the two numbskulls can't govern beyond a camera appearance! But because you are a moron, you equate good press coverage with competence. Yet, the thousands of unnecessary dead people and their families disagree with that version of reality. And all because you hate Trump. That's sick. BTW, that Fauci story isn't supporting your point in the way you think it did. By holding off recommending mask use by the general public, he ensured that the virus spread much faster than it would have if he urged people to start using masks in February. How many lives would have been saved then?
  20. Nobody has forgotten that you have yet to answer the very specific question of what should have been done in November to prevent the spread. Simple question, no answer.
  21. Because I was the one popping into threads with gleeful counts of dead bodies caused by your stars? Your parents raised you well, obviously.
  22. Think about all the dances you can attend then. Aren't you happy?
  23. Are you AOC's illegitimate brother? For the 1,00th time, how is the Federal government the primary response team at the local and state levels? Did you read what your hero of the day Bolton have to say about the disbanding of the pandemic team? (Hint, itr wasn't disbanded but placed into another arm that's more adept to deal with pandemics) Why was the outbreak quickly contained in CA & WA? Did Trump order sick patients to be transferred across hospitals and nursing homes, despite clear evidence from Italy that you need to isolate and protect the vulnerable? Why did no other state suffer the same fiasco by NOT following NY lead? Don't forget to send a Legacy.com note to Uhaul
  24. We're not defending the schmuck (which doesn't quite mean what you think it means) We've asked you countless times to describe the exact content of this mythical memo, and what actions Trump should have taken in November to prevent the virus spread in the US. Go.
  25. Looks like another humdinger on the main site spurred by Fauci's thoughts about the NFL season. A tangent was raised in whether he was more hurtful in playing down the effectiveness of masks in the early stages of the outbreak. Then came the quiet admission that he said that to preserve mask capacity for healthcare workers, even though there's ample data that masks are effective in preventing spread. So there we go, noble intention that probably had a catastrophic effect in the early hard hit areas. But what about that Trump memo in November?
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