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Everything posted by GG

  1. Another misunderstood fact about broadband buildouts. Many times the building owners & condo/residential associations control the wiring or access in a development. Usually they sign an exclusive agreement with one provider that essentially locks people into one provider. Telecom Act of '96 did away with much of that exclusivity, but the owners still get around that.
  2. Local TV showed the SCOTUS pick protest outside Trump Tower last night. At least the news team had the courtesy to tell the viewers that the protest started BEFORE the pick was announced.
  3. In addition to being an idiot, you're a thief
  4. That's their saving grace. AT&T and VZ have done a decent job in lighting lte across the country, but that's not enough for a true high bandwidth experience, because of idiots like OC who can't distinguish between speed and capacity.
  5. Holy crap. I was half kidding when I wrote that. Turns out it's true
  6. Equalling Trump hate is the Bannon hate. The Oval Office's own Rasputin.
  7. That's the theory. People are so invested in the thought that Trump is Hitler reincarnate, that if he just turns out to be a mediocre president, they end up looking like fools. So their only saving grace from admitting to be morons is to ensure that Trumpism turns into Nazism, and to do that you continue to stoke violent protests which will result in a predictable response from law enforcement, etc.
  8. Someone linked his story yesterday, basically that liberals need to turn Trump into Hitler, otherwise they end up looking like morons.
  9. It's not even close to indirect, because the lost income to Mexico has nothing to do with funds that will be used to pay for the wall. Where's boss whitey going to find that labor supply? I know it doesn't get brought up a lot, but a huge reason the Hispanics are in those jobs is because there's a shortage of low-skill low-wage labor force in the pre eminent first world country.
  10. Forget the halftime. You know he'll sit both candidates at the table in the oval office and ask one to eliminate the other.
  11. Yuuup. There's only one area that I feel Feds should be involved in the broadband conversation is helping out deliver unserved areas, such as rural regions where it's fully uneconomical to provide high capacity service. They started it by revamping Universal Service into Connect America, but they're not being diligent about enforcing the builds.
  12. Which is basically Scott Adams's prediction.
  13. I take it you didn't watch the first Jets game?
  14. True. Anyhow, this exchange reminds me of the criticism his predecessor got from the left. Or maybe not.
  15. And clueless about macroeconomics.
  16. That's revisionist history. Atlanta didn't intentionally move away from Rex. All signs were pointing that he was the leading candidate, but when Blank's mother passed away, they put all negotiations on hold, which miffed Ryan. That's when the Bills offered him the job and he didn't want to wait a day or two to hear back from Atlanta. That's the likely genesis of the "don't let him out of the building" quote, because Bills knew that Atlanta was likely his top choice. In retrospect, the timing of Blank's mother's death killed the Bills in the last two years.
  17. I continue to be amazed at the blatant conflicts that Congresspeople have with their securities holdings. If anyone in the industry had a fraction of the issues that Price had, they would be fired on the spot.
  18. I have to give credit to Obama for recasting the net neutrality debate as somehow a positive for broadband expansion. Please tell me the last time industries invested more capital when the return incentives were taken away? Of course in typical Obama fashion, his policy actions achieved the exact opposite of what the policy goals were supposed to meet.
  19. Or they jack up their wages by 20%, and the white devil pays.
  20. Uhm, where does it show in that flowchart that Mexico pays?
  21. Please show me the money flow chart in how Mexico pays for the wall with a tax on remittances.
  22. And exactly who wins in that scenario? And exactly what do you win in that scenario?
  23. I take back every nice thing I ever said about the fat blowhard.
  24. Ordinarily I'd agree with you, but not in this case.
  25. Give it up. He's on a roll. He's right you're wrong. Even though you understand it.
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