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Everything posted by GG

  1. Thank goodness there isn't a would ya question.
  2. Yeah, I know. Kind of like posters who jump to conclusions without knowing the background or the inside jokes.
  3. My reference wasn't even to Godwining the thread, but to the current refugee/immigrant situation in Germany. I guess people in glass houses shouldn't stand next to box trucks
  4. Too bad babushka's hair isn't orange.
  5. Kinda ironic coming from Germany.
  6. Is there a reason you posted this in a Trump Economy thread? Was it because of this rationale:
  7. TT in constant contact with new staff. Knows a bunch of coaches from Balt Is in Buffalo rehabbing. Wants to be comfortable with coaches. Likes Rico, likes system and familiarity with Kubiak's system Not focused on contract. Health first. Rest will take care of itself. Definitely prefers to stay in Buffalo Can stay and be special this year. Have coaches that can get them ready & turnaround. Just sit & wait at this point.
  8. It's obvious the guy hates speaking publicly
  9. It would be a yuge accomplishment for Trump to act like a high school student.
  10. I just love the (non-Indian) idiots who wave the "America Was Never Great" banners. I'm sure their ancestors appreciate the homage after everything they went through to cross the oceans.
  11. Oh golly, and here I thought we're talking about health insurance and not healthcare. I know a minor distinction like that doesn't seem to phase somebody of your intellect. Because it's easier to spout out of context statistics that US spends twice the amount on healthcare, but ignore that the nature of USA's health spend is broken. Tell me, how many of those advanced economies approve open heart surgeries for 90-yr olds?
  12. How would a guy who doesn't drink hold a beer summit?
  13. You don't say? http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/191968-former-bills-safety-jim-leonhard-promoted-to-dc-at-wisconsin/?p=4240512
  14. Which shouldn't surprise anyone.
  15. What does that have to do with Trump's tweets, and then bragging about his tough conversations with foreign leaders? What kind of an insecure idiot says that "We’re taken advantage of by every nation in the world," Really, USA is being taken advantage of by every nation?
  16. I haven't seen any denials of the second hand accounts of the call, so I'm assuming that what's reported is correct. Didn't help that Trump essentially confirmed it in a tweet.
  17. And that is the reason to go off on their prime minister and then brag about your electoral victory? There's value to making your opponents think you're a bit unhinged. There's zero value to proving to everyone that you could very well be unhinged.
  18. I'd say berating your strongest allies as reckless.
  19. One is a more mild mannered light intellectual thin skinned narcissist.
  20. In case you haven't realized, the only acceptable response to gator's posts are from DC Tom's bot
  21. Funny how that reasoning is only logical for Obamas to stay in DC.
  22. Guess how many national news outlets mentioned that he's a gay immigrant?
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