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Everything posted by GG

  1. You're kidding right? A major retailer isn't going to second guess its actions after POTUS went directly after them, especially considering that one of the proposed tax reforms is going to dramatically increase retail costs of goods sold?
  2. Instead of the daughter asking to borrow the Navy, the father is sending a subtle threat to a private enterprise to give preferential treatment to his daughter's business dealings. It's fine if this was in Bolivia.
  3. More signs that Trump is a continuation of Obama, squandering golden opportunities to fix things and grow the economy, because the ego gets in the way. The initial premise of the OP may now be tossed into the trash bin, as the general early optimism by the business leaders is being replaced by caution due to the crazy and reckless nature of Twitterdumb. Nobody wants to be a target, and this is clamping down the early enthusiasm. Couple this with increased uncertainty that tax reform will happen, or what other shiny object will preoccupy the man-child at the top which will take his focus away from promised pro-growth reforms, and you're right back to circling the drain. Bloomberg has a few takes on this - Trump repeating Obama rookie mistakes and Growing unease about Trump. Can't say I disagree
  4. It doesn't involve his own business, but he absolutely crossed the line with that comment.
  5. You should really space out your TDS, because you won't last the term at this pace
  6. Did she break the Senate rules?
  7. Did you get that from the ghost of Grosse Pointe
  8. Would the chart qualify as a heat map?
  9. I'm surprised that you have a bead on how the orange turnip thinks, considering all his thoughts pop up a split second before he utters them.
  10. What, that Trump makes stupid statements without thinking them through?
  11. Why ask a ridiculous question like this? An epiphany struck me as I was listening to Judd Apatow's interview on Carolla this morning. Apatow, a self admitted neurotic is symptomatic of the TDS types. He is deathly afraid of the Trump the bogeyman because Trump triggers his particular neuroses. And if Trump triggers his neuroses, that means that Trump is a menace to the rest of the population, and Apatow et al must do what they can to stop the evil and save the civilization. Of course that view is misguided because the vast, vast majority of people don't share those neuroses, nor do they care. But don't expect the TDS to wane anytime soon, because at this point the opposition is far from rational and I don't think that people who've crossed the TDS Rubicon are coming back anytime soon. It doesn't matter that Trump really hasn't done anything much different than his predecessors, in the mind of TDS sufferer, his mere image triggers a psychotic response.
  12. Lots of Sabres fans on that end. I don't get this team. I don't think it's only the talent. They don't play inspired at all. Jack just sleep skates along.
  13. The funny part is that NYT online team would love for net neutrality to go away so they can salvage whatever remains of the paper's business model. It's perfectly fine to attack the article because it's factually slanted. The FCC had strayed far from its mission in the last administration, and it shouldn't shock people that they're being dismantled rapidly. BTW, prison call rates have nothing to do with net neutrality. They have everything to do with greedy state governments.
  14. Actually, I never commented on the FHA insurance rate. But carry on. Of course none of it has anything to do with what you or the moron Tyler Durden says about the Fannie bailout which isn't a bailout. A bailout happens when you're trying to avoid a loss. Why are you so up in arms when Fannie started lending against single family rentals? Now, if you want to discuss whether Fannie or Freddie should be government enterprises, then it's a different issue. That's why you are an idiot.
  15. It's only a problem when a Republican governor delays an ambulance.
  16. I'm defending the commercial transaction, you idiot. It's not a friggin bailout, moron.
  17. It is my understanding that the Fannie Mae loan will be backed by the higher quality tranches of the pool, so the first losses will be borne by the holders of the lower tranches. But don't let that get in the way of spoiling your zerohedge love fest.
  18. Ask Mnuchin. Do you understand the economics of Fannie Mae's involvement?
  19. Oh my. Over the years, I was hoping that he would overcome the demons. And every time you would post a hopeful message, maybe that was the sign that he's on the mend. But life has a knack for throwing you curveballs that you cannot control. If there's one little thing that I can tell you is that you were there for him and did as much as a parent could in a very trying circumstance. Rest in peace little guy, because that's my memory of him, and again I apologize for cursing in front of a ten year old.
  20. And for that matter how Dodd Frank would have prevented the securitization meltdown in 2008.
  21. Seems to have worked out well for them for nearly 200 years. You'd figure by now the elite would have taken over, no? What are they waiting for?
  22. As expected, under 20%
  23. Who cares. It's a commercial. It's not like they're pretending that Danica can win a race.
  24. Howard isn't saying anything that isn't clearly obvious.
  25. Because he's a special snowflake who's hard of seeing.
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