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Everything posted by GG

  1. Ask Poland, Hungary, and the Baltics
  2. That's why the neighbors ask for US protection.
  3. Which country has a demonstrated history of invading neighboring sovereigns in the last 50 yrs?
  4. My pet theory is that he's playing out of his mind to increase his trade value. He's likely not fond of Buffalo, but also recognized he couldn't be moved unless he played like it's his contract yr.
  5. Or the more plausible scenario, that Trump having finally received true intel from the various sources, recognized that there are allies that can be trusted in the region, and people that can't be trusted in the region, and that Russia is an evil empire. You know, just like every POTUS recognized, no matter what he said leading up to the inauguration.
  6. Funny how her dress is being called a political statement, but the performances on stage are apparently not.
  7. I dunno. Pyatt for Kulikov would have been awesome trade
  8. Tillerson was confirmed first, so he's got her beat.
  9. The US government is more challenging to run than ordering your three kids around? Color me shocked. At least he admits it.
  10. The orange turnip's twitter eruptions don't have a permanent effect on the predictability of the dollar's moves. Now, if he were to gut the Federal Reserve and put monetary policy solely in the hands of KellyAnn Conway, then I would change my mind.
  11. And how many public schools in the districts that you are describing are doing a good job of what you're saying they're doing?
  12. Availability, convertibility and predictability. No other currency comes close.
  13. Now link the penalties for violating this statute.
  14. This has ZERO, ZERO (Did I say ZERO?) effect on network speeds or available bandwidth. But carry on with the charade.
  15. Shall we recap Greggy's logic? In Obama's Foreign Policy thread, for two years we were treated to the evils of neocon policies, as Obama totally ignored China's encroachment. Then we were warned about the dangers of TPP, even though the deal would bring more Asian countries closer to the US. Now the orange turnip is threatening to blow up longstanding US allies and agreements, and Greggy is warning us that more countries are distancing themselves from the US? Does that pretty much sum it up? Probably not, since you never offer up a concrete position, which is why your conspiracy theories are always evolving.
  16. If moving away from the dollar isn't the story, why are you linking an article about Japan moving away from the dollar?
  17. So if it's not a position that you hold, why post an article that stakes out that position, without offering a contrary opinion? I know, it's just for discussion purposes
  18. Then I'm sure you can provide a thorough analysis of why countries will adopt the Yuan as the reserve currency, other than a pithy story about the Chinese offering a new settlement platform that will save a fraction of a basis point over SWIFT. Hell, based on that logic, Venmo stands as good of a chance to be the next reserve currency.
  19. It's not. This is like playing EJ Manuel in the last game of the season and thinking that he is a legit NFL starter
  20. Shhh, don't give away the punchline.
  21. Of course. Ike broke the pound and the dollar has ruled ever since.
  22. As always, I don't need to make stuff up.. There's plenty of your posting history to prove a point. Should we dig up your posts about TPP? This is not a a giant story. Countries have been looking for a way to escape the dollar stranglehold for ages. Maybe you've heard of this currency called the Euro and how it will take over as the reserve currency. Let me know how that one works out before you start touting the Yuan as the titular reserve.
  23. Let me get this straight. You were among the loudest critics of TPP, which was designed to solidify USA's ties to Asian countries and pull them away from China's influence. But now, you're complaining that Asian countries are moving away from the US into China's influence? Can we please have a modicum of consistency in your logic?
  24. Yeay, another prognostication of the end of the dollar. Hint, the world has really had two global reserve currencies in the industrial age - Pound Sterling and US Dollar. Here's a simple quiz. Why do currency traders and world economies like these archaic notes as the monetary lingua franca?
  25. The first story is an editorial, the other reported sentiments by Goldman's economists. Don't listen to Bloomberg then, hear out what the head of the world's largest asset management firm has to say. Fixing ACA is not a priority to resume strong economic growth. Revamping the tax code and having a coherent trade policy, are. There's a growing probability that Trump will blow the early enthusiasm.
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