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Everything posted by GG

  1. And you can make the exact same argument about employing low skill low wage American workers at the bottom of the pyramid. Where do you think the unemployment rate is higher? Please convince me that he couldn't find qualified Americans to work three month stints in his Florida hotels, instead of filling them with East Europeans. Save yourself the trouble, you won't. This is among the many qualities that make Trump a duplicitous douchebag, and defending him in this matter is beneath you.
  2. It is the case, and that's why Trump is a moron.. if Trump keeps beating up the Tech firms, they'll just ramp up hiring in India. Victory!
  3. Keep digging in. I'm using the words interchangeably because many H1-Bs end up staying and contributing at the high end. If anything Trump is far more off base in criticizing H1-B, because the wages are high and companies that are hiring the workers are doing it because of shortage of tech talent with qualifying degrees. What's Baby Trump's excuse for hiring low skilled foreign workers? At a certain point, you have to call an orange moron for what he is. Another thin skinned narcissistic hypocrite.
  4. I wasn't commenting on idiots claiming that Trump's kids are hiring illegal immigrants. I was commenting on Trump slamming tech companies who utilize the legal H1-B visa process where there are very high prevailing wages and high compliance costs to hire the foreign workers legally, while his sons are doing the exact same thing with agri workers. That's why he's an idiot too
  5. No, I said that HE blamed employers for holding down wages by hiring immigrants. Yet when it was pointed out to him that he also hired immigrant workers on temp visas, his excuse was that there weren't available US workers to do that job. That's why he's an idiot.
  6. Yes, Lebanon before Islamists tore through it.
  7. Again. Not disagreeing with the program. Disagreeing with the message that Daddy Trump hits out at companies that hire foreigners and yet it's perfectly fine for him and his kids to hire foreigners on temp visas. And yes, his kids are part of the deal too. Otherwise don't f'ng bring them along on official trips. Because you know it won't be long until Ivanka asks to borrow the Navy.
  8. And we've been going around in circles about this one for well over a decade. If GOP had the balls to pass comprehensive reform back in '07, this wouldn't be an issue. Trump kids are being hypocrites about using HB-2 workers, because a big plank of Trump's campaign attacked companies for using H1 and H2 visas to hire lower wage foreign workers, not because that's where the true labor pool is.
  9. In BF's defense, he's probably referring to priorities that would actually matter. It's not a question on whether the wall is a priority for Trump. It's just a misplaced priority in the grand scheme of things. To me, if he prioritizes the wall over getting Congress over the hump on tax reform then it will be a massive waste of time.
  10. Shouldn't you be asking what the ocean looks like to a penguin?
  11. Stones still on tour?
  12. Except they didn't.
  13. This is as good a thread as any. Now imagine if the roles were reversed.
  14. If this vote goes along party lines, the Dems are truly screwed up.
  15. Oh I'm sorry but you actually don't believe that US foreign policy hadn't been a force for good in the world? And I'm the one who's delusional? In any event, US foreign policy has always looked outside its borders. I have no clue why you'd pick the JFK administration as the starting point, other than it behind the launching pad for day conspiracists. So the federal government is full of career bureaucrats who don't like to their power erode with a new administration, especially when that administration is run by an orange turnip. Color me shocked.
  16. If they get eliminated, would you send Jack down to learn to play D
  17. It's a common mistake to confuse Never Trumpers with Hillary supporters. BTW, you guys must be using a lot of toilet paper if rumors of Bolton becoming head of NSA are true.
  18. You're getting a lot of mileage from the regime change mantra. Tell me, other than Saddam, which regime change was supported by neocons? You conveniently ignore that regime change in Lydia wasn't a neocon platform and everyone was appalled at how Mubarak was tossed aside. Yet somehow these monumental Obama failures are somehow attributed to neocons. Here's a hint, because Hillary was behind many of those moves should give more than enough proof that she's nowhere near a neocon. Of course we get to your favorite regime change claim - that neocons were behind the Orange Revolution. But if you really studied the region and understood what's going on, you'd know that there would have been no need for the revolution if Yanukovich didn't steal the election with help from Vlad. So whatever help the US provided to the opposition parties pales in comparison to what Putin has done in Ukraine. Yet, you're clinging to a sole comment made by Neuland that US staged the revolution, despite very little evidence of direct support or even logistics to aid a revolution. Meanwhile, Russians are sending in heavy artillery and blowing up passenger jets. But I know, US does bad stuff too. Right, Mr trump?
  19. New NK reality show - Caligula meets Jackass
  20. See answers above. USSR was among the most vile and evil creations of mankind, and its current leader believes that the demise of that union was the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century. Yet, I'm the one who's equivocating. PS, if you think that I'm bothered by the neocon slams, think again. Neocons have been far more correct in calling out trouble spots than the usual parade of apologists for evil regimes.
  21. Two separate questions were asked and answers. Which countries were invaded by USSR/Russia and which countries appreciate a stronger US/NATO presence to prevent another Russian invasion. BTW, Russia withdrew the troops because they were bankrupt. Funny how the troops were mobilized again when Russia started making money thanks to western/capitalist help.
  22. Where did I make that claim? BTW, the only equivocation that's happening here is from the usual Russia apologists. Tell me exactly how they've given more countries their independence?
  23. Shall we have a history lesson? Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Afghanistan, Georgia, Ukraine are all within the last 50 years.
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