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Everything posted by GG

  1. Which Repubs are saying that? I've only seen Graham's commentary. And all reports are focusing on Sessions' contact with Kislyak as a campaign surrogate, not chair of Armed Services Committee.
  2. Go back to school and see what drives 15% stock market gains, when the market is already frothy.
  3. Because questions are being asked whether anyone in Trump's CAMPAIGN had contact with Russians in 2016.
  4. Big time gov't spending doesn't move markets like we've seen in last three months. Trump's promise to unshackle some restraints is what's moving the markets
  5. You probably saw a different angle, then. When the cameras showed SCOTUS members, Kagan & Sotomayor were sitting, while the rest were still standing and clapping for a while. Check out the 0:20 sec mark in the video - here
  6. This is where Sessions will pull a favorite out of the Dems' basket. The communication he had with the Russians was part of his Senate office, and had nothing to do with his role in the Trump campaign.
  7. Unless I'm mistaken, Kagan & Sotomayor were sitting when the cameras zoomed in. If that's the case, pretty low class by the two.
  8. A slightly different take on Erie.
  9. Livestream. Be funny to see skiers flow by in the foreground.
  10. You're making it sound as if ACA is a wonderful insurance program that's not on the verge of imploding.
  11. More pachuly scent
  12. SS needs to be revamped, but that won't be enough. As I said, public pension schemes need to be revamped to increase qualification for full pensions and raise the retirement. Private companies realized more than a decade ago that they can't afford pensions that were less generous than public pensions. But again, you can't go all defined contribution.
  13. You know it won't be long before Trump opens up the Washington Mall for Ivanka's clothing line.
  14. You have a negative standing to complain about Trump, lemming
  15. Can somebody please remind me when Ivanka got confirmed to be part of the Administration?
  16. It is and should stay that way. I was responding to commentary that all plans should move to defined contribution, which in my opinion will lead to a far worse outcome.
  17. It's not a binary solution. Don't for a second think that moving everything to a defined contribution plan will solve the problem, because all you will be doing is reducing the employers' contribution to the retirement system. Pension overhaul is needed, especially in the public sector, with lower pension payouts and later retirement eligibility. But a hybrid defined benefit/defined contribution scheme needs to be in place.
  18. Dirty secret of 401k and IRAs is that few people put aside enough to get them through retirement. Fundamental change to retirement accounts is needed, but moving everything to 401ks will be a disaster
  19. No, the conversation is about Trump criticizing companies for legally hiring foreign workers while he was legally hiring foreign workers for his companies. He's a weasely hypocrite
  20. He knew he was the punching bag at Fox, but took the hits in stride. RIP
  21. Now we're getting somewhere. Are those employers hiring the illegals because they pay them less than the prevailing wages for those jobs or because there's no other available labor pool?
  22. Tell that to the SJWs who've identified a major problem in a major US industry.
  23. So are you saying that the hospitality industry is hiring foreign workers due to the lack of supply of US workers or because the hospitality industry wants to pay below level wages?
  24. I thought you got the memo that Asians and Indians no longer qualify as minorities. Do me a favor Dexter. Google "Silicon Valley Diversity" and check out the top hits.
  25. What in the world are you talking about? 80% of Silicon Valley is now Indian and Asian men. They would love to get more diversity. They ain't gonna find it.
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