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Everything posted by GG

  1. I've read snippets. What's the big deal? CIA has the latest cyber tools that it can use. Isn't that what a spy agency supposed to do? Now, when Wikileaks releases documents showing that CIA has in fact killed US citizens to protect its standing, then it's a story.
  2. How is my reading of the release relate to you spinning wacked out conspiracy theories? The release only confirmed what many people were guessing were the tools at their disposals. Funny, how most of the analysis of the release is coming from conspiracy sites. But go ahead and tell us how we're the duped ones.
  3. Which is the whole point. If CIA can take out little known figures like Hastings, why are Assange and Wikileaks still alive when they present a far bigger danger to the Deep State? Maybe because there isn't a Deep State, but a bunch of turf battles inside the organizations, which conspiracy nuts love to exaggerate the molehills into mountains?
  4. Hard to twist these words, even for a wordsmith. Please explain what you meant by the bolded. As for Assange, nobody is doubting the authenticity of the documents. What's always doubted is your interpretation of the events. Are you saying that Assange is not an accused rapist?
  5. I was commenting, as always, on your outlandish takes on whatever news hits. If the CIA information is as damning as you say it is, why hasn't CIA killed Assange? If he had a get out of jail card, it was probably holding on to some really really scary CIA stuff. Well, now he's apparently released really really scary CIA stuff. So, if we are to believe your implication that the CIA has no qualms killing a very popular son of a semi-god president to satisfy the career needs of a woman who the CIA despised, and that the CIA can commandeer cars, aircraft or anything else that's come into its cross-hairs, what's stopping the CIA from killing Assange? If the CIA has the blood of thousand innocents on its hands, what's another body of an accused rapist?
  6. That's funny. CIA can easily kill JFK Jr to suit Hillary's needs, but have allowed Assange & Snowden to air their dirty laundry for the world to see. Makes sense to me.
  7. First off, you need to get off your high horse. Nobody here is bitter at the influx of BBMB exiles. TSW is just trying to cope with the increased volume and we are gauging the relative knowledge base of the newbies to frame the proper responses. Nobody is going to toss you off the site, unless you violate the clearly defined ToS. As for the perspectives, please re-read Scott's welcome message. He's cultivated this board for nearly 20 years to create a community that suits HIS oversight. It's not up to TSW to adapt, and it's not up to TSW to reckon with whatever happened on the old site.
  8. Can't wait for the hard hitting story that prove that Trump's hair and face are in fact, orange. Then I'll be able to sleep at night.
  9. That the previous administration sought permission through FISA and not through another venue speaks volumes about the intentions of BO's motivations. That's why Greggy should note that the increasing volume from the "Deep State" isn't about the bureaucracy rising up against trump, but the bureaucracy purging Obama's plants. It's going to take some time.
  10. The inner cities' public school system.
  11. I don't think that it's as straightforward as that, especially knowing how important QBs are to a team, and it's a near certainty that the last two coaching hires expressed strong views about the Bills QB situation. Plus, if I'm a coach, I'm not trusting a GM's views on a QB, because that GM apparently still believed until January 1, 2017 that EJ Manuel is an NFL starter
  12. "While Russia, China, other countries, outside groups and people are consistently trying to break through the cyber infrastructure of our governmental institutions, businesses and organizations, including the Democrat National Committee, there was absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election, including the fact that there was no tampering whatsoever with voting machines,"
  13. I think that's exactly what McD said in his press conference.
  14. The money was right for him in NJ and he wants to play for a contender
  15. If that's the decision, then fine. But if they're moving on, it would be silly not to trade him if there's truth that there is interest from more than 1 team.
  16. Why cut him? If there's indeed a two day window to trade him, they should do that.
  17. Not answering a question that wasn't asked isn't lying. Again, it's not his fault that people can't frame a proper Q&A session
  18. Or consider the alternative scenario in the current witch hunt environment Do you for a second think that if he answered the question in the manner that you prescribe there would be no noise? Of course not. The narrative would be spun as "Sessions is lying that his conversations with Russians did not involve the campaign."
  19. He did know better, and that's why he was answering the question literally. You know, like an attorney would advise his client to answer. It's not his job to expand on the answers. This is why both chambers suck. They're populated by too many idiots who don't know how to properly ask questions to get the answers they need.
  20. Do you have the exact question that was asked and the context? It's very likely he was not misleading, but not offering up additional information as to his meetings, because these people don't do that.
  21. How could I? He's probably standing behind them.
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