Of course they will.
Everyone associates Niemoller's poem to Nazis. Unfortunately, there were more fitting precursors on the left.
How many of the statist lefties know that Orwell was an unrepentant communist, until he witnessed firsthand what the Stalinists were capable of and how they went about achieving their goals?
You asked a question, I gave you a historical perspective. You devolved into insults in a forum where that's not allowed.
Who's the unhinged one again?
Everyone who participated in the Revolutionary War to defeat the benevolent British Empire, which didn't bring slavery to this continent or give it a name.
The Patriots*
As discussed above, the virus doesn't care about politics. Either you're standing in a tight crowd of thousands, screaming your head off, or you're not. The particles don't have a blue or red path to travel. They just jump to the next host.