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Everything posted by GG

  1. So what? If you're going to compare a country with 4 million sq miles, you should also include a large country that is in Europe. Otherwise, it's cherry picked data to support a crusade? Why aren't they comparing EU to the US Northeast?
  2. As usual you missed the point. Obviously.
  3. As good a place as any thread. Keep supporting the self-serving rot. Firefighters Union Chief With Ties to Democratic Leaders Is Mired in Internal Financial Dispute Labor leader, who is also a Biden confidant, is accused of improperly drawing on pension benefits
  4. Why is Russia excluded?
  5. And then you wonder why the education system is screwed up.
  6. Is there a quarantine of PA visitors to NY Tri-state?
  7. Welcome to the union of 57 states
  8. A fluffer also performs a service Perhaps. Let's shine a light on it, shall we? You certainly won't be opposed to finding out what happened on Jan 4, 2017?
  9. I'm guessing it's something in between by the book and Flynn's guilty plea. We have patience and a properly calibrated moral compass.
  10. But it's ok for people to laugh at deaths and cheer the civil war?
  11. Mahalo, for finding the Gif
  12. Except for 2 outlier states.
  13. Then let's shine the same investigative light on Biden, and see what happens. Ready?
  14. That was your question. Answer my question first, hoax boy.
  15. Ask them what they think about the new marxists in the US
  16. Wrong as always. That wasn't the question. It was "are Jews excused from being called racists since they're brown?"
  17. I have a hunch they will play up their interpersonal angle, and upped charges will stick
  18. They reinstated border controls in April. Some countries started opening up in June
  19. If you're saying that this is another opportunity to prove that you're a lying weasel, then yes.
  20. I take it you agree that it's a petty move that has no basis in data?
  21. What limited data? 8 million infected around the world. Where are the second waves?
  22. It's a petty action from a highly insecure governor who's fighting to deflect his role in runaway NYS deaths. Again, with a virus that's infected >8 million people, there should be mounting evidence if there are second waves. The media can't crow about EU numbers falling and being open for over a month, but then sound the alarm about NY
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