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Everything posted by GG

  1. Hey moron, the US numbers are slanted by THREE states that fubared the response. If you look at NYS alone, the numbers would be at the top of the world, meaning that the rest of the US handled the crisis very well, thank you very much. Be happy to discuss whatever you want regarding NYS's efforts and results.
  2. It's not only about population. But it doesn't surprise me that you wouldn't understand. If EU is so great, why did the hardest hit countries have double the death rates of US?
  3. Please remind me again which Senator was the grand wizard?
  4. It's even better than that. GAO's suggested fix to this particular problem resides with Legislative, not Executive.
  5. Clearly nobody read the GAO report
  6. Restate it using any other race and see what it sounds like
  7. Legal slavery ended 150 years ago, replaced by 100 years of repressive laws, which were replaced by 50 years of leftist government sponsored submission. You can't ignore the failed policies of the last 50 years (2 generations!)
  8. Seems that you agree that the memo is not a hoax then? Tell that to your buddy.
  9. The January 4, 2017 White House meeting notes are not a conspiracy theory. They are a fact. A polluter must pollute. There's no other way.
  10. A polluter must pollute. There's no other way.
  11. A polluter must pollute. There's no other way.
  12. Only if you think that a Trump re-election is a threat. Which wouldn't be surprising.
  13. I have a hunch you didn't read the GAO report nor its recommendations.
  14. I take it you won't address the main point. Enjoy what's coming to you and your ilk.
  15. Keep up. The panic porn of the day is that Europe has successfully contained the virus, while the US has not. It's an easy stat to fudge when you exclude a certain very large country from the data that hasn't gone though a peak. But, details. A polluter must pollute. Otherwise, there's no sense in being.
  16. It was the same question, rephrased. Go ahead and be the imbecilic man child. i think we're understanding the real reason you hate Trump. He stole your shtick. Do you paint your face orange too?
  17. The GAO report on the disbursement of federal aid funds? You are shocked that the government is not efficient in quickly implementing a totally new program for which the infrastructure didn't exist prior to the pandemic? Blow me down. I feel so sad for your clients.
  18. I asked the same question 3 times. What do Trump's lies have to do with the January 4, 2017 White House meeting?
  19. Searching and finding answers on your own is good brain food. As always, thanks for the daily confirmation that your goal is to pollute.
  20. Bob & weave. Answer a basic question - Did Trump write the notes about the White House meeting on January 4, 2017?
  21. This response is all we need to know about your intentions. I didn't know Trump had the super powers to write Strzok's notes in the January 4, 2017 White House meeting. But keep thinking that Trump did all this.
  22. It's fitting for the fluffers on this site
  23. I could have sworn that the panic porn was about the number of cases declining precipitously in Europe compared to the US?
  24. What do Trump's "lies" have to do with the January, 4, 2017 white House meeting? Duck Duck Go it
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