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Everything posted by GG

  1. Using Paul Krugman and interesting comparison in the same sentence only works when discussing partisan hackery. There is nothing valid about that comparison, other that to reaffirm that Krugman's mind is gone.
  2. She was right in having the gun. She was wrong in how she handled the gun (but there's no law against that).
  3. Two separate things can be true at the same time.
  4. I don't know what was more weird in that story - that KKK is impersonating cops or the real reason they're doing it is to kidnap black men for lynching.
  5. If that is the case, then you should be fully aware that all cases of violence against Jews in recorded history were preceded by the subtle Antisemitism sowed by the elites. Guess what's been bubbling up in the last 20 years?
  6. And unfortunately more prevalent
  7. Gee, where has this happened before?
  8. This is why you are a fraud. I answer far more of your questions than your usual hit & run approach. i've been asking you for months to provide a follow up to the scaremongering that was going on in Williamsburg. An honest accounting would have shown that the group reached herd immunity in mid to late April. But you're too scared to admit the truth, and contribute to further demonization of a Jewish sect. DiBlasio's actions were pure vindictiveness directed at a group that didn't support him. There was absolutely no valid reason to keep anyone in NY off playgrounds as late as May, when he was fully supportive of open protests where many more people congregated. Funny that you're ok with BLM protests disobeying the laws, but are up in arms when a handful of Hasids take wire-cutters to a playground chain.
  9. If you've followed these pages you would know that I was one of Greggy's biggest critics when he started the Deep State threads. Then a funny thing happened when many of the crazy things he was talking about, started to add up. But to answer your direct question, of course if there are no indictments, this would have been one long massive waste.
  10. And if there are indictments in the coming months, will you come back to provide an opinion? You know what's funny? Every time there's been a massive exposure of systemic fraud, there's always some wacko conspiracy theory crank who's been railing about it for years before it was uncovered.
  11. He has, but has also talked about the frustration of why it's taken so long to unroll. BTW, the info was supposed to have been declassified and released in 2018. You can make an argument that delay caused the GOP to lose the House in the mid-terms.
  12. If you don't you have a funny way of proving it. Still waiting for you to show proof of the Hasid funeral apocalypse, which I recall you were fully onboard with DiBlasio's admonishment of all Jews. I look through stupid tweets to see actionable items before I offer an opinion. Which is why it's easy to spot DiBlasio's real anti-semitic actions vs Trump's perceived ones. After all, one of those two has a Jewish son in law and a converted daughter. Only one shows unconditional support for Israel and its efforts to fight true enemies of Judaism and Jews. Anti-semitic attacks have risen by 90% in the last 5 years, and a very tiny percentage were perpetrated by anything related to white supremacists. When elderly Jews go out in the streets of Brooklyn, they are not afraid of swastika wearing skinheads smacking them in the head.
  13. Show us where he's been wrong in his conspiracy rantings regarding the coup attempt.
  14. Then why do you support the most anti-Semitic NY mayor in generations?
  15. Is this another white supremacist shooter? You are a disingenuous liar and an anti-semite.
  16. The lucky Asian that actually got admitted to Harvard?
  17. Without any hint of irony
  18. Tough talk from a guy who was scared of a single senior citizen on a bicycle.
  19. Probably the same planet that considers Colin Kaepernick & Barack Obama black?
  20. However many he can recruit to dance in a cemetery.
  21. Think of it as a disco strobe light, so his fans can dance to it.
  22. Not quite. Normal people celebrate declining mortality, not cheering high death counts. Makes sense that you support Marxists
  23. Except for the time you spend grave dancing
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