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Everything posted by GG

  1. is that how you pronounce sore loser in Farsi?
  2. You forgot to mention poopy pants. How does it feel to be monumentally wrong, again?
  3. Of course they are
  4. Sounds like she may get swept up in something, it's so unhinged.
  5. I linked an existing application of an antiseptic that is ingested into the nose to prevent infections, moron. @BillsFanNC linked other studies of disinfectant agents that are meant to be delivered inside a body. Are you ever not a moron?
  6. You quoted a snippet of a longer conversation that removes the context.
  7. The world's most incompetent anti-Semite
  8. FWIW, MeTV is running The Happy Days Shark Episode right now. PS - Fonzie's water ski antagonist is none other than Greg Marmelard!
  9. I'm glad that more voices are being heard to challenge the dangerous movement that maims young people before they're ready to make a fully conscious decision.
  10. Please don't burn the 5G towers
  11. Here's the usual pattern Trump says something stupid TDS amplifies the stupidity by suggesting he said something else which is far worse Normal people dispute the mischaracterization TDS lose their minds Gary, you are a demented human.
  12. He asked his team about treatments that are possible and under research. To which Bryan responded, we will look at it. Was it typical Trumpian bungling of a topic? Yes. Was it Trump recommending drinking bleach? Far from it. The fact that you have to stretch the outrage to bring up 4 people who drank sanitizers to get drunk continues to prove your stupidity. BTW, does this product meet the definition of ingested sanitizer?
  13. Just think how Tim Murray managed to screw the entire league in addition to the Sabres.
  14. The flip side of the argument is that even though the vote doesn’t matter in a deep blue state, it removes the popular vote argument and takes the air out of the Electoral College abolition movement. That’s far more important.
  15. Let me translate what the idiot neglects to say. Now that cases are declining in the US, the panic porn brigade needs a new topic to latch onto. Note that none of the links discuss the infection prevalence over time, which is critical to discern whether there's an added risk, or this is just the expected trend with more kids being tested in advance of the school year.
  16. Lord I hated that paperclip
  17. You seem to like getting beaten with a club of facts. Here's the full transcript of Trump's usual ramblings about a topic on which he has little understanding. Show me where he advocates ingesting bleach or Lysol But since you ignore @BillsFanNC and are still looking at research about injection treatments to "disinfect" the body, here you go Sue Oxford Study Many of the treatments are following the cancer regimen of injecting your body with a type of poison to stop the spread. Speaking of poison, where's your outrage regarding injecting the Botox poison into the body? Of course, our favorite hoax that was injecting UV light into the body. So as was explained to you a hundred times, Trump overheard all these experimental treatments in the task force discussions, and his inimitable way bungled the explanations. Of course nowhere in his hamhanded response did he urge people to go out and drink bleach, unlike the health experts who urged people to socialize and have fun in March.
  18. It takes a special kind of stupid to interpret his "suggestions" to his Covid panel as endorsing that people drink bleach or Lysol. If you take umbrage at his words, then you should also acknowledge that all "treatments" he discussed are being contemplated as a potential cures of the virus. I suck for telling people to heed CDC's advice not to drink methanol to get drunk?
  19. This tweet has been popping up a t lately. It miraculously stops in May 2020. Let's play a game. Take Oklahoma City out and add the last 3 months.
  20. Point me to Trump's suggestions that people should be injecting poison. while, you're at it, I should remind you that in your own link, the CDC said that the people ingesting hand cleaner were doing it to get drunk. You should take the CDC advice yourself.
  21. Don't forget commercial real estate. How much footprint will the large employers require going forward. All of these point to very scary forward indicators.
  22. There's a lot to unpack here. I won't go in length about comparing the Obama & Trump approaches to the private sector, but urge you to revisit the OP in this thread. In summary, Obama's inexperience in the private sector and leftist upbringing took him down the usual path of thinking that government can will the private sector to produce, while implementing policies that hinder investment and production. That's why you saw an immediate mood shift in the private sector upon Trump's election, because despite all his faults, he knew well enough to get out of the way and restore business confidence. Of course, Trump being Trump he can't leave a good thing alone, and continues to insert himself in the weeds of economic policy, which is as bad as his 4AM Tweets. The Great Recession really wasn't an economic recession, but a crisis of confidence in the financial sector. Despite the massive bank failures, the core business sectors were fine, and it should have been a quick recovery if the only focus was on stabilizing the financial sector. So when you say that Obama inherited Bush's mess, that's overplaying it, since this was a global banking crisis, not a US economic problem. But since the administration could not let a crisis go to waste, the recovery was saddled with multitudes of regulations and the Obama-care overhang that put the brakes on any speedy recovery. But bringing the topic back to the current recession, there are a lot of reasons to be far more concerned now than in 2009. This is a true economic recession, and I'm not looking at the 2Q or even 3Q numbers to see how the recovery will turn out The bigger issue is how many businesses are going to come back at all, and what will corporate loans look like in early 2021. I would dispute the notion that opening up the economy ASAP is not a panacea, because the longer this drags out, the more stress you re putting on smaller businesses to stay afloat. At some point, the stimulus checks will run out, but there won't be as many jobs to come back to. That's why the blue states are playing a very dangerous game of chicken. By focusing only on defeating Trump, they are setting up an economic disaster, which the Federal government will be helpless to fix. Cuomo is already seeing it in NY. The moron NYC mayor doesn't see it and thinks that the departed wealthy can be easily replaced. They won't be. It's amazing how he destroyed 30 years of progress in NY. The same goes for the clueless Squad.
  23. Illinois & Michigan are interesting because their cases haven't dropped off as much from their earlier peaks. But the mortality has dropped significantly meaning that the right measures are in place to protect the vulnerable. He gets cover as long as there are still rising cases in the bad red states. Once they get past the peak and open up again, it will be hard to justify the NY lockdowns.
  24. The predictable pivot is to the Midwest, but the numbers won't be high enough to maintain the panic. It will be interesting to see the coverage once new cases drop below 200 in the populous states and deaths approach zero.
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