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Everything posted by GG

  1. Nearly everyone here has had a row with TYTT over the years. But few have called him a lying sack of ***** who revels in seeing social strife.
  2. Or they could be all of the above, and you celebrate them. And you encourage others to do the same. History judges people like you.
  3. But it's vitally important to note that he may not be a Communist, because ....
  4. Seems to be a pattern. Whether in the hospitals or on the streets, they cheer for more body bags because it's bad for Trump.
  5. Who said anything about secret meetings? Why would Marxists need to have secret meetings? The milk & cookie recipes are in the wide open. Have you tried the Khruschev Krumble?
  6. That should definitely be a signature line!
  7. Keep making fun of the situation while cities are burning. It's a sure fire way to ensure that Biden gets elected. I'm sure people go to communist meetings for milk & cookies. I hear the Soviet cuisine was top notch.
  8. Since when is membership in a communist organization does not make one a communist? Again, applying the standards your compatriots are setting. The riots are organized by Marxist organizations. These three individuals were perfectly happy to engage in the riots and destroy private property. Seems like they were espousing the traditional Marxist avenue for political action. But golly, don't you dare call them communists because they didn't fill out a form. Meanwhile, more people will die because people like you urge them on.
  9. One felon was a confirmed member of a communist group, one was a child molester, the other was a convicted wife beater. Yet, you think it's comical. Never mind they were there because people like you goad people like that to commit felonies because you approve of conflict as a means to achieve a political resolution. There's a legal definition for that. Go ask a Jewish lawyer for it, since you have a hard time finding it yourself.
  10. In fairness, someone needs to be back at solid state before experiencing another meltdown.
  11. That's why the best takeaway was that the kids are out there running wild, and the adults need to step in to restore order.
  12. Turns out TYTT was right all along. You on the other hand supported this mess all along, and now there are two dead criminals because you cheered them on.
  13. No, not that kind of Communist. You know the gentle, nice kind they portray in textbooks.
  14. Spags is Hispanic?
  15. I'm applying the standards of the people you unequivocally support. Take it up with them, then come back here.
  16. Immaterial. I'm applying the same standards your side does. If all Trump supporters are Nazis, despite not a single swastika being seen from his core supporters, what does that make the left when there are ever-present Communist symbols at the protests that you support?
  17. I doubt the leagues realize that the boomers are still their life blood. I don't think the next generations are as willing to buy premium seats & TV packages like us old geezers. The sports leagues are about to go through a reckoning like old media just went through
  18. I believe that was taken care of by Sanger's brigade in the '60s.
  19. Why? He's gotten rave reviews as one of the better under the radar players. Also explains why Live got the playing time.
  20. Seems like a nerve got hit. History lesson - McCarthy's sentiment was correct. Tactics were not. It's incontrovertible that Stalin & then Khruschev placed operatives all over the US, and in highly influential positions in media and academia.
  21. Notice the renaissance of the "She was asking for it by wearing a short skirt" defense lately? By an apparent attorney, no less.
  22. So you're saying there have been no leaders of these protests who proclaimed to be Marxists? The hammer & sickle flags were fake?
  23. What have you seen more of - swastikas at right leaning rallies or hammer & sickle at the "peaceful protests?"
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