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Everything posted by GG

  1. Don't mind him. He doesn't think that violent protests exist in WNY.
  2. Those three are surprises. Rolling with 3 safeties?
  3. Yes, some posters are perfectly willing to sacrifice lives for a political benefit.
  4. Bizarre that he didn't get any trade bites but Peterman has a job
  5. We understand that you are fully aware of openly supporting violence in the streets and the deaths that come from it.
  6. It's not in Erie county, therefore it's a hoax.
  7. The sad part is that a huge portion of the population will be permanently scarred by the shutdown. I see it all the time in the tristate area. Some people are petrified to be in public, and I’m talking about being in a wide open area, in broad daylight on a hot summer day.
  8. It's good to include the dates of the speech to remind Biden what century he's in.
  9. If there was a private slumlord that operated the way this outfit has, the news wouldn't stop running the abuses. Just a sampling - https://www.governing.com/topics/health-human-services/gov-new-york-city-public-housing-authority.html Mold, Rats and No Hot Water: Will Federal Oversight Improve Public Housing in New York? The city keeps getting slapped for the poor condition of its public housing. Nothing has changed so far. J. BRIAN CHARLES | MAY 2019 https://www.pix11.com/news/monica-makes-it-happen/families-say-nycha-is-closing-tickets-without-making-repairs
  10. The worst rental market in decades
  11. NYC gov't is the largest landlord in the city and the housing is completely trashed, and he wants to build more? How about fixing the crappy housing that you're in charge of Mr Mayor?
  12. Forget that. Focus instead on the canonization of these characters at the expense of a teen with a gun.
  13. He did? That is so unlike the chief gaslighter woods delighted that there are dead bodies in the streets. But hey, as long as it's not in erie county it doesn't exist.
  14. Speaking of verbal diarrhea, is Kemp ever going address the Williamsburg Hasid apocalypse? We're 5 months past THE funeral and the weddings. Surely the community would be wiped out by now.
  15. Love how everyone synchronized their clocks as soon as the polls turned. Three months in, suddenly they realize there are riots and it's Trump's fault. Pathetic.
  16. Not quite a full peace deal, but progress nonetheless.
  17. Not only mocked, but openly encouraged. How do you feel now, Gary and the rest of your motley crew? You just couldn't wait a few months for the polls to decide, could you?
  18. No, Portland is for good intentions. The same laws don't apply, according to the ..... Lawyer.
  19. Ok, now do the same table for the far more important metric.
  20. As much fun as hanging out in the park?
  21. Did the new and improved Dexter see the PSA about not quoting the morons? BTW, did the trademark also travel to the new version?
  22. Why were you looking at random kids?
  23. More dispatches from DiBlasio's Utopian paradise .
  24. I believe that the use of that term was clarified as not to call that person a pedophile. Of course it's totally fine for that individual poster to continue with incendiary posts and then cry to the authorities when his lies and support of more killings were called out. You also know that this forum has had a two decade history of pretty good self policing, and only started getting out of hand about 5 months ago with a deluge of "new" members who contribute nothing but throwing verbal bombs and then run away when their feathers are ruffled. So appreciate the warning, but look at the true cause of the mess that you have to police. Kind of like imitating of what's happening in the streets. Ignore who sets the fires and breaks the windows, because that can't possibly be anything bad that could lead to something even worse.
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