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Everything posted by GG

  1. I'm far more concerned about the DEs. If there's no real pass rush from the left side, OLs will continue to focus on Jerry and hold him like there's no tomorrow.
  2. They were for it before they were against it.
  3. Canada obviously has a different definition of "successful" What dictionary are you using?
  4. If there was a bit more loft to the ball, it's a TD
  5. Took guts for II to publish this obvious article.
  6. Not my problem you can't add & subtract.
  7. I discussed the math with the changes in the trendlines. The two case plateaus add up to those numbers. The additional cases did not lead to a spike in hospitalizations and deaths, so in the end, it was a positive development to get closer to herd immunity, without getting a lot of people sick or die. A normal person would be celebrating this outcome. But not the grave dance brigade .
  8. Because the abstract ignored the totality of the cases in the US and hypothetically extrapolated their modeled numbers, which do not correlate to the actual reported case trends. Sturgis probably contributed to 7k-10k additional cases, which is nowhere near 250k or $12.5 billion in costs, since the vast majority of infected people are asymptomatic who do not require any medical intervention.
  9. If you weren't a disingenuous lazy liar, you could find it.
  10. Lazy liar
  11. I did. Read the proper thread. Lazy liar
  12. I thought you left?
  13. Lazy & dishonest. Typical. Address the substance for a change.
  14. No, Stalin would be proud. Goebbels learned from the best.
  15. Do your own homework Sue. Notice that you don't care about the moronic study anymore, now that the numbers don't add up.
  16. Again, the data was provided in the applicable thread, not the narcissistic flame bomb that you live to start. Are you upset that nobody has died in a protest this week?
  17. Quite the contrary. Don't confuse your laziness to read the proper thread as us not providing detailed back up. Par for the course, of course, and is expected of lawyers.
  18. Funny how you and Gary forget the totality of the proposed rule (in addition to refusing to read). That means sticking around to have an adult conversation, not just throwing bombs or insults then fleeing the scene. If someone is unwilling to engage or back up their work, they should be treated in accordance to the 1st ROE and ignored. Call it a good old fashioned shame shunning.
  19. Is that why the true alt-right posters were banished?
  20. Lazy and dishonest. The analysis was done. I feel bad for your clients.
  21. ***** off with your rules. Not your site. Speaking of, there are rules here that frown upon LAMPs on topics that are already being discussed.
  22. Do your own homework. It's in the Covid thread. I'm done indulging your Lamps.
  23. I'm talking about a psychotic episode because it's the relevant context. How many people are rioting because a black man was killed by the police, vs rioting because a black man high on PCP died one week after being restrained because EMTs wouldn't touch him until he was restrained?
  24. Now we're using a single event from 50 years ago to excuse what's been happening to journalism in the last 4 years? BTW, what did POTUS and Veep know, and when did they instruct it?
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