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Everything posted by prez105

  1. Hey all, here is a link to a locally written and produced Thanksgiving Rap that hits home in one way, shape, or form with all of us. Thought you guys might enjoy it, Check it out...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9HggEdqiII
  2. I posted this awhile ago but I was in the holiday inn?(I think) at the airport in Rochester at the bar like 3 years ago, the one right off of the 390 and there was a black and white picture of Thurman and the O-Line taken right after the 51-3 AFC Championship they all have their helmets off and they are standing in a row with Thurman in the middle all looking and smiling at the camera, I went as far as to call the bar to see what happened to that picture, they said they raffled it off to a charity, has anyone ever seen this picture besides me?
  3. I loved when Empire was showing their 'best of's' and they showed the bit where Marv reads off Dickerson's points allowed while a Defensive Coordinator at U of Minnesota and then ends it with "I can't imagine if he wasn't a defensive genius" This dude's MO is stirring the pot and then he gets "I call in to the sports talk show everyday guy" to call him kissing his ass. What pisses me off about him is that whenever anyone brings up a logical argument with him he cuts them off. Logical criticizms are healthy, just being an !@#$ to get attention is annoying, I will not be listening to him. When are we gonna a get another sports talk option in this town, I miss WNSA.
  4. Could anyone with insider post the transcript of the chat wrap with rosenhaus
  5. I really would like to know how Kate got the Plane back, also where Ethan came from and his motives in capturing Claire, obviously it had to do with the baby, IMO the psychic knew how important it was that Claire raised the baby, and when he found out she was going to give it up, he decided to make up the story of the parents in LA, because he foresaw the plane crashing, her surviving, and having to keep the baby. But what the hell do I know......
  6. Does anyone remember a month ago when they first flashed back to Locke, he was an office worker and was playing that 'war' game with another office guy, I don't think they showed him being paralyzed then, and then they flashback again and he works at a Toy Store? That's a pretty big inconsistency, i suppose is a result of them writing it month to month
  7. I contacted Bob Smith and the only picture he has was one of Thurman Thomas holding a football up to the camera. I just was wondering once again if anyone has seen this picture. Thurman with the O-Line after the Raiders game?
  8. Yeah I called the bar, it was 'players' in the holiday inn at the airport in rochester, they said they changed themes and auctioned them off for camp good days and special times.
  9. I was in a hotel bar in Rochester a couple years ago when I came across a black and white picture of Thurman Thomas posing with the Offensive Line right after the 1991 AFC Championship. This guy had it blown up to poster size. It was an awesome pic because they all had their arms around each other. I am trying to track it down because I want it, I have contacted several memoribilia shops and am striking out. Can any of you guys help me? Or have any of you even seen this picture?
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