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Bad Things

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Everything posted by Bad Things

  1. I almost spit out my coffee when I heard that! "This photo is called, Who you want to marry vs who you end up with." Classic!
  2. River gonna take me Sing me sweet and sleepy Sing me sweet and sleepy All the way back back home It's a far gone lullaby Sung many years ago Mama, mama, many worlds I've come Since I first left home Going home, going home By the waterside I will rest my bones Listen to the river sing sweet songs To rock my soul Going to plant a weeping willow On the banks green edge it will grow, grow, grow Sing a lullaby beside the water Lovers come and go, the river roll, roll, roll Fare you well, fare you well I love you more than words can tell Listen to the river sing sweet songs To rock my soul God bless you, Bill!
  3. I've yelled at a lot of players and coaches through the years, but the first guy to pop in my head was Carl Mauck. (Offensive Line coach under Wake Phillips.)
  4. Someone tell me... what just happened?
  5. I totally get what you're saying, but don't forget that you hold the power to distance yourself from social media. I've been away from FB for almost 2 years now and am very happy that I did. That said, I can only imagine how all-encompassing the political "talk" must be, up in America right now.
  6. That’s all this guy does. He’s under the delusion that he’s the smartest guy in the room, and wants everyone to know it.
  7. Unfortunately, I believe this is the way things are trending for many.
  8. What a delusional fool. He gets invited to speak at a commencement, where students have worked for 4+ years on their degree, while spending tens of thousands of dollars... and he "ventures to guess" that the girls would rather be housewives and spends time speaking about it? It's such an incredibly stupid thing to say in that situation, basically brushing aside their hard work and achievement, to talk about how great his wife has it. Ha! If my daughter would've been graduating at that ceremony, I would've been PO'd. A very emotional one to boot!
  9. Well now if I ever live to be an old man I'm gonna sail down to Martinique I'm gonna buy me a sweat-stained Bogart suit And an African parakeet And then I'll sit him on my shoulder And open up my trusty old mind I gonna teach him how to cuss, teach him how to fuss And pull the cork out of a bottle of wine
  10. So long honey, babe Where I'm bound, I can't tell Goodbye's too good a word, babe So I'll just say, "Fare thee well" I ain't a-saying you treated me unkind You could've done better but I don't mind You just kinda wasted my precious time But don't think twice, it's all right
  11. Thank you for sharing that link. As someone who had no clue who Keon Coleman was, it was great to be able to watch this. That said, I have a different takeaway than yours. The first thing that I noticed was how very inconsistent the QB was. There was all sorts of stuff thrown Keon's way. The second thing that popped was his body control. Fluid and strong movement. Even the way he goes down while being tackled looks quite controlled. He's still a young man who will grow into his frame. He also flashes some great YAC in this tape too. Lastly, he also shows a really good demeanor on the field. There were a couple DBs on this tape that were clearly trying to get under his skin, but he didn't seem to pay any attention to that. He seems to put his head down and go about his business. Oh, and clearly basketball has given him really good hands in certain contested catches. (One hand grabs.) All in all, I'm excited!
  12. Someone shared a link to a really good story about Coleman earlier today. In it, there was an interesting quote in which he claims to have never been caught from behind by a defender. If that is true, I reckon he's fast enough. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/2024/04/bills-keon-coleman-had-interesting-josh-allen-comment-3-weeks-after-stefon-diggs-trade.html%3FoutputType=amp
  13. Just thought I'd come on here and voice my displeasure with Maddy Glab. I've always been irritated by her voice, but I listened to the latest OneBillsLive Podcast today and couldn't believe how annoying she's gotten. (I only occasionally listen to OBL.) The way her tone was today towards fans so annoying, I had to turn it off. Is she really the best that they could do??
  14. I found this to be a very interesting quote.
  15. I hear it can be beneficial for people to sometimes go outside and get fresh air. 🤷‍♂️
  16. oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
  17. Welcome to the Bills, Keon! Lets go Buffalo! (I don't follow college football, so will trust the Bills staff on this one.)
  18. Seinfeld for me too. Community and Parks & Rec are also easy watching comedies, but if we're strictly talking "comfort", I'd have to say The Andy Griffith Show, or even "Matlock".
  19. I’ve said it before, but after almost 20 years in New Zealand I have still yet to find a Bills fan. That said… when it does happen, that poor bastard better not mind a man-hug, and maybe even a peck on the cheek!
  20. I had a similar experience after moving to NZ almost 20 years ago. The first time I used "G-day", I just about cringed because it sounded so "forced" with my American accent.
  21. I moved away from New York State way back in 1990 and have noticed a lot of changes in the way WNY’s speak since then. The #1 thing I think of is the use of “Y’ all”. When I still lived there, there was no way anyone would’ve used that term without being laughed at. Now, I see it used all the time on this board. It’s just weird for me to see.
  22. Yup, I agree with this one.
  23. F Doug Marrone.
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