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Bad Things

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Everything posted by Bad Things

  1. Bills - 28 Cards - 13 Josh throws the ball out of the stadium after he runs one in. Let's go Buffalo!
  2. I’m not the biggest fan of Honolulu because we tend to avoid crowds while on holiday. That said, while in Honolulu, in no particular order. 1. Get beneath the water and experience a whole new world. 2. Check out local slack key music. 3. Maui Wowie! 4. There’s some really cool, hard to find, dive bars in town with some cool history behind them.
  3. I love you, Josh Allen!
  4. That is really rich coming from you. Do you ever listen to yourself? All you seem to do is try to shut down other people’s opinions with your obviously superior intellect.
  5. I know a few people that deserved the same type of obit.
  6. Nope, but I have Tasman Bay right across the street! We had a pool growing up in Webster and I loved it. (That said, I'm sure it was a different experience for my parents who had to do most of the upkeep.)
  7. Fun fact: Hand on heart, I don't think I can identify a single Taylor Swift song. One of the advantages of escaping to the bottom of the world.
  8. I could be wrong because I'm on the other side of the planet, but from here it doesn't seem like felonies matter in the slightest in America anymore. Isn't that right?
  9. Thankfully, this is something the lovely Mrs. Bad Things does.
  10. A 5th round “reach”? The level of whining with some of you is really impressive.
  11. That's all you remember? Were you on a 6 year bender or something?
  12. Oh my God, just say no to Zach Wilson. I don't want that MILF shagging, pretty boy anywhere near this team. He just comes across like a world class doucher.
  13. You should see the local kids going around Trick or Treating! It's freakin' bananas!
  14. Bugger. Sorry to hear about your news. I'm happy to look around for you, but not sure you'd like a commute.
  15. I know! I'm surprised our local know-it-all hasn't made an appearance yet. He must be busy correcting someone else.
  16. So, we have to read these books that you like in order for us all to understand the reference? Sounds like a great idea for a nickname.
  17. For what it’s worth, a couple weeks ago I wrote on this board about how excited I was to run into the very first Bills fan that I’ve seen after 19 years in New Zealand. There is no way we’re the most popular team in the world. Let’s go Buffalo!!!
  18. Happy Birthday, Marv!
  19. What a strange world we live in.
  20. WTF is this? Someone help me out. The only Rick Allen I've ever hear of is the drummer from Def Leppard.
  21. He was one of the all-time greats, and always seemed like a truly kind man. God bless you, Bob. The world is a lot worse off without you.
  22. Kia ora, all! Next month will mark 19 years since my wife and I moved our young family to New Zealand. Although the predominant sports are rugby and cricket, I’ve always kept a keen eye out for the rare tourist wearing NFL gear, in the hopes that someday I’d finally bump into a Bills fan. Well, that glorious day has finally arrived! I was just in the produce area of our local grocery store, when I looked up and saw this young mum pushing her child in a stroller. I looked up and just about froze when I saw she was wearing a Bills hat. I introduced myself and let her know that I’ve been looking out for any Bills fans for almost 20 years which made her laugh. She and her family were visiting the South Island from Pennsylvania and said that her husband was originally from WNY. I guess he converted her to become a Bills fan years ago. Anyway, we high-fived and I gave her a hearty “Go Bills!” That said, it may sound silly to you all, but for me it was just reassuring that my wife and I aren’t the only fans down here. Let’s Go, Buffalo!!!
  23. Let’s go Oilers!
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