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Bad Things

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Everything posted by Bad Things

  1. Autumn?? Mate, it's just the beginning of Springtime down here! 😛 (Our winter seems to have lasted forever this year.)
  2. I love you, Josh Allen!!!
  3. He was fun to watch that's for sure, but this just comes across as a sad attempt for attention and validation. If he wants to compare himself to Mahomes, then why isn't he also comparing their Super Bowl rings?
  4. I have never had a problem knowing and believing that he's always been a douche. I reckon most of us on this board feel the same way.
  5. Enough to take out the entire stadium, and some of the parking lot.
  6. I'm currently watching the end of the Pats-Jest game and am rooting for an asteroid to hit the stadium. Is that wrong? 😀
  7. OK, here's another one that was pretty cool. It 's not as good as my original story, but still was fun. About 10 years ago, I was flying back to visit family in Rochester. When I arrived at LAX, I went to my gate to wait for my next flight. While I was looking around for a place to sit, I noticed Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sitting there, waiting for the same flight. Wow! Until then, I hadn't ever seen any famous people, so thought it was kinda cool. I didn't do/say anything, just found a seat and waited for the flight. After the flight took off, I killed time by flipped through the inflight magazine. When I got to the "Sky Mall" section of the magazine, I had to do a double-take, when I saw that they were selling a framed print from the movie "Airplane!", which showed Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in the cockpit and was hand-signed by him. I was sooo tempted to ask him to sign the photo on the Sky Mall page for me.
  8. It's not just new Orleans. The last time I was back in Upstate NY, I was gobsmacked when I saw a sign on Irondequoit Beach stating, "No defecating on the beach." 🤔 Maybe people need to cut down on their intake of Garbage Plates and White Hots.
  9. Bills - 28 Jag-offs - 13 Let's go Buffalo!
  10. Any of us? Well my friend, there is a legend that has been passed down about The One that walks amongst us who does know everything. He goes by many names amongst us mere mortals, with the latest generation mostly referring to him as "The Know it all". The rest of us? Not so much. Now, if you all sit still and listen carefully, there's a high likelihood that "The Know it all" will soon be making an appearance. Be prepared to be annoyed.
  11. I’ve been to places where it’s in the 80s and I’m sweating my butt off, while other people were wearing down coats. Seriously
  12. Apologies... it's actually just Mrs. Things. (Bad is my first name.) You all can use your imaginations to come up with what you think her first name may be. 😃
  13. Kia ora. We visited Tahiti and Moorea about 14 years ago and had a great time. That was our first true taste of real Polynesian kindness, which was an eye-opener for me and something I still try to carry. Our kids were still little back then and went with us, which of course makes everything a bit more challenging. The main island of Tahiti is nice, but the city of Papeete can be avoided, as it's really just another small city. (The market was really cool though.) As is just about always true in the Pacific islands, try go to the outer islands for a better experience. We stayed on Moorea, which is an easy ferry ride from Papeete, and really liked it. The only negatives I would have with French Polynesia is the language barrier, which won't be a concern for you, but also the cost of things. Simply put, everything costs a fortune there, as it's tied to the French economy and not the Pacific. Way more expensive than any of the other Pacific nations we've visited. That said, if you have money burning a hole in your pocket, go for it! If you're looking for something cheaper, and a bit more laid back, check out the Cook Islands. We've visited Aitutaki and Rarotonga 6-8 times now and love it. That said, our experience in Fiji (Vanua Levu) was even nicer this time around. Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Cheers
  14. I know this is way late, but I just wanted to say that Ross Tucker may have been the worst announcer and biggest douche I've ever heard do a Bills game before. And Lords knows we've had our lions share of douches doing Bills games in the past. (I'm looking at you, Collinsworth.) As a former Bills player, I'm amazed just how anti-Bills he sounds. Time and again, he went out of his way to disparage the team.
  15. That one reminds me of a time when I was living in Colorado during the 1990's. I was chatting up this pretty young thing at a bar, when she mentioned that she was visiting from Nantucket. I said, "really? I have an old high school friend of mine that lives there." We come to find out that this was his ex-girlfriend! Jim broke up with her just a month earlier. <Did not get laid>
  16. The lovely Mrs. Bad Things and I just returned from a fantastic 3-week holiday in Fiji. Bula Vinaka! While we enjoyed each and every day of our trip, we assumed the final day was going to be a kind of a throw-away, travel day, as we had to fly back from the beautiful outer islands, to be near the main center of Nadi, for our early morning flight back to New Zealand. This throwaway day wound up providing me with of the coolest experiences I’ve ever had. I’m still shaking my head about it. About 7-8 years ago, I got a nice Polynesian armband tattoo, here in New Zealand. The tattoo artist did a fantastic job adding designs from all of the Pacific islands I’ve already visited. https://www.taupoutatau.com/tuigamala-andy It was always my intention to keep adding to it, as we continue to explore the islands. (New designs have been added while on Aitutaki and Rarotonga.) To mark our wonderful experience in Fiji, Mrs. Bad Things reminded me to get a traditional Fijian design added before we left, so I had our accommodation recommend a local tattoo artist to do the work. It was a bit of a worry, as I wasn’t able to see any of the artist’s previous work. I just had to put my trust in this random stranger. That afternoon, I met Simms (The artist) and discussed what pattern I wanted him to do. I had a couple shots of rum, while he was setting up his stuff and then got to work. After about 5 minutes, he stopped working, looked up at me and said, “I think I recognize your tattoo”. “Excuse me?” “I think I know this tattoo” “What?” (His English wasn’t the best, so I thought he simply meant that he knew some of the old-school designs in it.) He got excited and said, “I DO know it… I have a photo of it on my phone!” “What?!? What are you talking about?” He took out his phone and scrolled through his photos for about 10 seconds and said, “Here it is!!” “What?!?” He held up his phone, and my mind went blank because I couldn't comprehend what was happening. Sure enough there was a photo of MY arm with my armband tattoo on this complete stangers phone! It was a photo that the tattoo artist in Wellington had on his website for a couple days after giving me the tattoo all those years ago. I was gobsmacked, stunned, speechless. Simms said he stumbled on the photo years ago and loved the design and workmanship, so he kept it as one of his favorites. He looked up at me with a massive smile and said, “And now I get to work on the original!!” What are the odds of something like this happening? It’s crazy! A random Fijian tattoo artist having a picture of me is weird enough to think about. For me to randomly hire him is even more of a coincidence. However, for him to recognize me from the artwork on my arm is simply incredible. If this wasn’t meant to be, I honestly don’t know what is! Here’s a photo with me and Simms, with the photo of my original tat on his phone. Life is awesome! If you have any cool stories, of strange coincidences, please share them with the rest of us! Let’s go Buffalo!
  17. Well, aren't you farking special?
  18. In regards to that first video… I can’t believe a grown man would not only film themselves acting like an overgrown steroid baby, but then actually post it for the whole world to see. How big of a douche do you have to be?? Incredible.
  19. You could say the same thing about this board. Our recent success has brought idiots from out of the shadows. And yes…. the local call-in segments have become totally cringe-worthy.
  20. I haven't seen this movie in years, but am sure this scene will have the same impact on me, as it always has.
  21. Same. It's now Sunday night here in New Zealand, with the game staring at 5:00am tomorrow. I took the day off to watch the game and enjoy opening day, but I plan on sleeping in and watching the game later on, on delay. To all of you going to the stadium... have a blast! Let's go Buffalo!!!
  22. Just thought I’d check in, and am amazed by how many weak souled people there are in this board. It’s truly amazing. Even during the worst years of the drought, this board was always a fun place to come too. Now it seems to be filled by a bunch of whiney limp-*****. (If you think I’m talking about you… just assume I am.
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