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Everything posted by Kultarr

  1. The ball was stripped and the Bills player had the ball. The refs had to have blown the whistle before Dillon even stopped falling to the ground! This was just a blown call and it bordered on criminal that it was ruled "unchallengable". Another "just give it to them" sort of pro-Patriot stevestojan call. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: In general, maybe they make the down a do-over. Instead of simply telling the lesser team to bend over and smile, they could put the time back on the clock and have them run it again -- and forfeit their paychecks.
  2. There was someone playing LG today? You're pulling my leg! I think the point wasn't so much to rip on Willis as it was to criticize the MOVE to draft Willis and the way this MOVE has "helped" the Buffalo Bills "improve" as a football team. I happen to think Willis was an incredible talent before he blew out the knee. Will he ever get back to that point? I don't know. It was arrogance to take a RB when the Bills didn't really need a RB and had other holes to fill in their line-up and further to take a RB that wasn't going to help the team in 2003 with the team's #1 pick. It is a wasted pick in the sense that the Bills haven't gotten any return on that investment. Nothing. He sat out last year. He's riding the bench this year and only rarely gets on the field and then only as a decoy. The return might be argued to be negative in that Travis Henry seems to be more focused on telling reporters who's #1 than keeping his shoelaces tied, running the right plays, and picking up a blitzer once or twice a season.
  3. It was a fumble. The practice squad refs doing the game said the play could not be reviewed though. Why does the NFL have replay if it cannot be used to correct clearly INCORRECT calls??? What a crock.
  4. It may have been "open" ... and for *damn* sure the Patriots would never dream of defending it ... but we are talking about the slowest guy on the field. What is Bledsoe's 40 time these days? 2.5 hours? He's so pathetic, anybody could've easily caught him from behind and tackled him for a loss. And it was 3 yards, so just tucking the ball into his belly button and falling forward would not have worked either.
  5. Yep. There is more to being a great RB than running hard. Unfortunately, with Travis Henry running hard is all one gets.
  6. But, KOK... a bootleg? That's got to qualify the coaching staff for a special corner of the Hall of Shame somehow...
  7. Bootleg??? I don't think it was a bootleg at all, but if it was then the Bills have, hands-down, the stupidest coaching staff in sports. A bootleg with Bledsoe. Where the **** was the dolly and the guys to push the statue around on the dolly? It was a disasterous play call in any case. The Bills have ZERO ability to block blitzers up the middle and Bledsoe has no legs. The Patriots blitzed to stuff the run, nobody blocked, and they were on top of both the QB and the RB (if he got the ball) instantly. The coaches had to have known the Patriots would be blitzing and Bledsoe had zero chance from under center. Dumb.
  8. Remember that saying, "You play the way you practice"? The evidence seems to indicate either the Bills do not practice or their practices are the sloppiest most disorganized chaotic set of random activities one can imagine. Are the coaches out on the golf course during practices or something?
  9. What's surprising to me is that some people didn't already know this was going to be the case again this year. The track record has been to find "high motor" guys who lack talent and skill or grab cheap veterans with rusty pins in their legs and hope it all falls out of the clear blue sky somehow.
  10. The Bills haven't been able to pick up a blitz in more than a decade. Rand McNally was supposed to fix that, right? It's so sad, it's comical.
  11. FWIW, I don't think Henry should be benched nor even that Willis should start. But I think that if you have a guy that you claim is "100%" and "was a #1 overall sort of talent", well, you owe it to your franchise to figure out how to get him the ball. With his homerun threat speed and supposedly good hands, why not give him some of Jake Reed's playing time or one of the lousy, useless TEs?
  12. The answer is simple. It made headlines. Headlines like "Tom Donahoe makes stone cajones selection."
  13. Now, *that* is a question. What the **** went through the braintrust's collective head when they drafted Willis? It *must* have been, damn we need more team speed on the *BENCH*! Hey, Henry runs tough and is a good back, sure. But what are they "saving" Willis for? Put him on the field *and* call his number as a change up. Anything is better than watching the statue take sacks with unblocked blitzers coming through by the dozens.
  14. It takes a high motor guy to run that far away from the play. What the **** is wrong with Donahoe anyway? One would think a professional football executive would know the value of having a semblance of a pass rush. But apparently Tom missed that class in football 101.
  15. What is this coaching staff doing? The Bills had, what, 15 penalties? Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. And just how many times do they plan to let unblocked blitzers fly straight up the middle at Bledsoe before they change the ****ing protection?! Absolutely unreal. Whoever was making those line calls is an absolute and complete moron.
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