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Everything posted by Kultarr

  1. There are different types of leadership. Specifically, one does not have to be a complete dictator to be a leader. Indeed, how well do you think Marv would have gotten along in Buffalo with players like Kelly, Reed, Thomas, and Bruce if he was in their faces cussing them out and pissing in their wheaties on a day-to-day basis? I'd guess nowhere. But, back to Marv. The aforementioned players would've run through brick walls for the old guy if he asked them too. That is the leadership to which I am referring. Compare that to the head coach currently in Buffalo where his guys just coast through the game and collect a paycheck.
  2. Hey SDS, I wasn't really disagreeing with you. Like I said above, Marv is not the answer now. (I am in total agreement with your basic point that turning back the clock and bringing back Levy is nonsense.) Marv had his faults, no doubt, and you've pointed and alluded to many of them -- faults we've discussed at length many years ago, I might add. However, it is also true that Marv had his strengths. My minor point was that Marv did know how to surround himself with good assistants typically, in my opinion. The Breshnaofner move was just plain silly and its outcome pre-ordained -- having two people make the final decisions just doesn't work. But, I think I understand why Marv made that choice, even if I never agreed with it. Marv's loyalty and patience were not necessarily all bad, but were attributes that cost him his job at the end IMO.
  3. Definition: A loser.
  4. First, at this point in time, Marv Levy is not the answer and he's not coming back to be the Bills head coach. But to answer the question, Marv would bring leadership. He may have been an administrator, but he also knew how to build an environment of success and pay attention to the details. Going to 4 straight Super Bowls is no trivial feat for any team, especially a team with the world-class egos the Bills had. The guy actually won 6 games with Todd Collins as his QB!
  5. Oh, I don't know. Marv could assemble a staff that wasn't totally incompetent. Marchibroda, Phillips, the special teams ... a couple of his staff even survived a couple regime changes, which is certainly a sign they were very capable. Dick Vermeil has a similar approach, hiring a staff of grizzled, old coaching veterans with loads of experience. It is true that none of Marv's guys went on the be great coaches elsewhere. Marchibroda and Phillips were the only ones that got head coaching job, but they had already been head coaches. But, that doesn't mean Marv's guys were not good, solid position coaches. There is no question that Marchibroda (of the 90s) or Phillips would be instant upgrades over the coordinators we have now. Indeed, it might be the case that Dan Henning and Walt Corey would be upgrades over Clements and Gray.
  6. I just wonder what his stats line would read if anyone on the field with him knew how to tackle besides himself. Go London. Woof, woof!
  7. Eh. He's a nice guy. Why not toss him a meaningless internet poll bone?
  8. He has nice facial expressions.
  9. Every team in the AFC except the Texans and Bills will have been to the playoffs in the last 5 seasons. That's going to take a little luster off anybody's crown.
  10. Damn. That takes talent!
  11. TD wasn't the only NFL GM to blow the call on Charlie Weis. It makes me wonder what the hell they evaluate potential head coaches on. Lists of important things such as, "Does he look good in a turtleneck?" Because it clearly can't be coaches that actually get the job done because Charlie Weis has been a great coach for a long, long time.
  12. The Bills have had years when they had absolutely zero talent and they sucked. This year, the Bills were supposed to be making a run for the East against a weakened Patriots team. But, instead we find that they are arguably the worst team in the East and tumbling out of control. Extremely disappointing.
  13. People have been wanting the Bills brass to say something interesting. Calling the fans jerks is pretty interesting. OK. It's not quite as interesting as Jim Mora blowing a head gasket in front of cameras, but we got a few more games.
  14. If Ralph had decided on starting it all out as the Miami Seahawks way back when... <sigh>
  15. How many Super Bowls has Haslett won as a head coach? How many playoff games? OK, admittedly he has some experience as a head coach, so that's one thing he has going over the standard fare coaching experiments...
  16. I'll pass. Thanks anyway.
  17. It's like any other business. Somebody is insubordinate to their management and, depending on the transgression, the person is punished for the transgression. Just like in any other business, if this is not done and people just do whatever blows their whistle then the organizations will crumble into utter chaos. Unfortunately, the chaos is reportedly already rampant. Moulds is not the only player guilty of insubordination; he is just the only one to be publicly flogged for it. Worse, as you say, the public flogging was handled incompetently by a management chain of command that appears, at best, confused and at worst in total disarray. My gut says that Mularkey has lost the respect of his team and is fighting to reestablish it -- but that's not something that suspending malcontent players is going to fix, unfortunately. (Leadership isn't about surrounding oneself with yes-men, especially when the results suck.) I also wonder if the situation isn't being exploited for effect so as to provide a nice source of excuse fodder for cutting Moulds at the end of the season, a decision that has likely been made for quite some time now due to his cap number.
  18. 49ers are woeful as well. And have the record to prove it.
  19. He had 8 touches and got a concussion trying to make a block on a DT that came rolling through the OL unblocked. Yep, Willis is a bum.
  20. Let's not forget that it should be counted as a negative that McNally had a Hall-of-Famer under his tutelage as well. Actually, McNally did a great job last year turning the "Sad Sacks" into something that looked vaguely like a functional OL. Of course, the injuries and 5-and-dime discount specials are all his doing...
  21. I don't see how this report expresses Eric Moulds or Eric Moulds' spin doctors interpretation of the events in any way. How does one infer that this is not just management's side of the story? Truly, one should ask who is best served by airing the dirty diapers like this? Is it Moulds or Moulds' people? Hell no. Moulds looks like a prick given this account of the events. He looks no better than a Terrell Owens. Is it in the Bills best interest? Now that depends. If the Bills organization is interested in keeping Eric Moulds happy and a contributor on the team, even in the short-term, it doesn't make much sense to paint him into a corner as a me-first chump. On the other hand, if someone knew he had to make a decision with respect to paying Eric Moulds and had already made up his mind that Eric Moulds wasn't worth the coin, then leaking information that Moulds was a no-good cancer of a player greases the public relations skids for when the hammer comes down on a player that has been a good performer over his career, a fan favorite, and reportedly well-liked and respected in the locker room.
  22. Bring back OJ as running backs coach. He could teach the backs how to "slash" and "get away with a bad defense".
  23. Bledsoe with 5 guys that would get cut from NFL Europe teams in front of him is a stroke of pure idiocy though.
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