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Everything posted by Kultarr

  1. Culpepper has, reportedly, small hands. And, you know what they say about a guy with small hands, right? FUMMMMMMMMMMMMMBLLLLLLLLLLLE!!!
  2. Whew. I thought you got that from Clayton for a second.
  3. Nah. I put her on my speed dial so I can get up to the nanosecond updates!
  4. You mean like that team that misfired, er, hired on Gregg Williams a few years ago and he had to hire a staff of coaches straight out of school?
  5. For crying out loud, somebody get on over to 1 Bills Drive and loan them a quarter already!
  6. True. But, that is another story. I'm just giving props to Clements' work in Pittsburgh; his coaching and their decent play are perfectly synchronous in time. (When he wasn't around, those two have been pretty awful.) Coincidence? I doubt it.
  7. Actually, the guy that Mike Mularkey fired before he quit, Tom Clements, was the QB coach for the years (01-03) when KS and TM actually looked respectable. Before TC was hired as QB coach, MM was on staff and KS was highly erratic. Few people will probably want to hear this, but there is the distinct possibility that Mularkey fired the best QB coach available out there now.
  8. What does "if he takes a pay cut" mean? Isn't a new job a pay raise from the unemployment line?
  9. The dude did wear a headset.
  10. I read that Martz called the Rams staff and told them all that since he was asked to "stay away" that none of them should come to work either. Crazy stuff.
  11. Can I have three cheers for Joe Pendry back on the sidelines?!
  12. Of course, that is a possibility. OTOH, while Levy quipped about it, Wilson cut to the chase. Basically, Wilson said that he made an error in judgement when he hired TD and gave him too much power; that part of the new "structure" was to put in place consensus management, an attempt to get everyone's buy-in, which in turn it was felt would work better than the old "structure". Here is the relevant snippage... Parsing this isn't rocket science. RW is pretty clearly saying that TD installed and led a factious organization that lacked stability, direction, and teamwork. (My guess would be that the first two go to the dizzying carousel of players and coaches that have spun through the organization over the last 5 years...)
  13. Another pair of possibilities involve the new "structure". By "structure", I read decision making processes. The word from the old guys is that they wanted to do away with the "one man show" business and put back in a "concensus system" similar to what worked in the past. So, 4) Perhaps MM did not like this concensus thing and felt he was suddenly thrown into the deep end of the pool without his water wings. 5) Perhaps MM felt this was all just rot and that he was an outsider watching a new set of decision makers assume control while his input was ignored. (We do know that his input was at least asked for because RW had a meeting with MM to see what the coach felt had to be done.)
  14. Maybe. Marv is a very sharp guy; and, while this quote was no doubt intended to be humorous (and it is funny in context), as is often the case humor can reveal some underlying truth about a situation. So, when I read between the lines of this comment, I hear Marv basically confirming that Tom Donahoe was micromanaging the organization. Reading Ralph Wilson's comments, which were not as funny, he frames it in much the same way. Anyway, this just indicates that various "rumors" over the past few years that Donahoe was a micromanager and wasn't delegating much, if any, authority to others weren't complete nonsense, well, at least from the owner's viewpoint of the situation as well as others on the outside. The relevance of this is that it might help to suggest an answer to SDS's question, "Why would Tom hire a weak coach?" The argument (paraphrasing) was that this did not make sense because TD already had all the power and the only way he could lose it was by not producing on the field. The point here is that the other way TD could "lose" power was to give "his" power away. If he delegated authority to the people that worked for him and allowed them to make decisions for themselves, he would risk diminishing his power. (Somebody has to make sure the right potholes get filled on schedule, right?) From the bizarre sequence of events surrounding Mike Mularkey in his last weeks, it does seem that MM may not have been his own man. Afterall, the guy just up and quit his "dream job" for strange and often contradictory reasons according to the reports. We'll never know the real story, but it is all quite curious...
  15. TD must have been a busy guy, micromanaging everything down to which potholes to fill in the parking lot...
  16. The Patriots had several issues not going their way this year. The coaching changes were one factor, injuries, defending champions, all the "good loving" from the officials not exactly going their way any more, an anemic running game, ... Some might even throw in the Bruschi genuflection orgy and curse of the midget as excuses as well.
  17. Man, they have been busy with token interviews. Thanks for the scoop, btw. As usual, the Bills seem to be a week late and a (million) dollar(s) short when it comes to their coaching search...
  18. Speaking of which, who are the minority coaches the Jets interviewed? They offered Mangini the job about 37 seconds after the Patriots lost.
  19. What can the Dickster do with 5 tubs of goo?
  20. Who have they interviewed? Is it just a coin toss between the Dickster and the Shermanator?
  21. From faulty memory, he did hit a swing pass or two and you're right those were there for the taking all game. Peyton should've been all over that rather than trying to force the ball down the field.
  22. In other words, he's a Dan Marino clone.
  23. Don't forget Jauron ... he might be here next.
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