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Carmel Corn

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  1. I don't think we ever will have that kind of a defense because McBeane doesn't believe in the Eagle's concept of defense vs. their own (failed) strategy.
  2. Swiss cheese Defense is back….I hate our coaching staff Easy peasy for KC, including the 2 points
  3. That’s what it will take….we’re done (thanks to our coaching staff)
  4. No imagination to counter the KC stacking the line strategy….fire Brady and McD. Simply ridiculous. That’s game
  5. Why is Josh not more involved with his legs?!?!
  6. Failure on all 3 phases….make that 4 (coaching). We’re done!
  7. Rousseau not having a good game….has failed to contain multiple times including that 4th down
  8. Our defensive line truly sucks….they simply can’t make tackles, which takes a toll on our LB’s and secondary
  9. Even if the BIlls find a way to win….Benford is done for the season
  10. Well….it was nice while it lasted. Now its going to be ugly
  11. Josh is going to have to get 50 points to have a chance tonight
  12. The morning after, I still didn’t like the game plan by Brady. Too much predictability on 1st down. Not enough downfield shots. The Ravens receivers didn’t seem to have issues running downfield routes, so why didn’t Buffalo try more?!?! Brady needed to be more unpredictable. Maybe some hurry -up offense might have keep the Ravens back on their heels some, but we never tried that.
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