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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. 1% is probable? Sweet, i'm off to the casino putting it all on black 35.
  2. I agree that based on the info we have, Araiza has very likely been punished enough. We will never know. But something being legal or acceptable in the past does not make it ok today. At all. Wtf kind of argument is that? Slavery (and many other terrible things) was legal 200 years ago, and is acceptable in some countries today, so it's ok? The law is the law, cross the line don't be surprised if you get burned.
  3. Your post is more lampy than op's, well done!
  4. When that play happened i wasn't too worried as i saw the yellow right from the get go. Didn't see our guys jump so it must have been the Chiefs. Quite possible some players thought the same in the moment and played differently thus allowing the TD. That happens pretty often. Not that it should...play to the whistle and all...but it happens.
  5. So you just gonna listen to the radio broadcasts for the next several years then?
  6. my entire point in that single post in response to Bill which was specifically about how "libraries are the one place..." was that libraries are not as locked down as he stated.
  7. it is a response to Bill's point about libraries and that is all it is. my goodness has no one used an internet forum before? must every post relate directly to the OP?
  8. sure? sometimes on internet forums you get a little off the main topic discussing side points. I was responding to BillFanNC's contention that the library "is the one place kids can't access internet porn". My logic says knowing kids have access means we should probably open some dialogue with them about what they have access to to help minimize harm. for example it was often the kids whose parents refuse to discuss alcohol, or have any difficult conversations with their kids, who became the drunkest teenagers. besides, of course, that rare ultra permissive parent who is probably an alcoholic themselves. Uh oh, now we are discussing alcohol, i hope we didn't break any internet rules...but if we did it is your fault you brought it up.
  9. there was plenty of substance, sure. but that won't sway the Ds and Rs much if at all. it's the independents that I consider when judging the way these two present themselves. i admit i have seen DeSantis debate a couple of times recently and both times i thought he came off poorly and this reaffirmed my opinion. i do care about cultural issues, but again i'm not judging these two on issues. we know where Ds and Rs stand. i agree with you about COVID, i don't know every detail of how Florida handled it but i know that the governments did a lot of damage in Canada in the name of "saving the healthcare system". they did the exact opposite. in Florida i know they lifted restrictions earlier which was good and DeSantis gets points for that. and you may be correct about his effectiveness when in office. my interest is political strategy. does the guy really have what it takes to win the presidency? i don't think he does, it's not his policy, it's the way he performs on a microphone. and again i'm not saying that is good for society but it is the reality.
  10. i doubt that, actually. kids are pretty resourceful. depends on the IT person at the library.
  11. i think so. not saying he is wrong. just saying i think it's a mistake because it looked bad.
  12. My criticism is not about what i personally find offensive. It is about what i think is a good or bad political move on a debate stage. There are books written for 2 year olds about poop and i bet you will find many in libraries. Which kinda highlights my point - the poop map was childish and makes DeSantis look weak at best, poopy at worst.
  13. Unfortunately, likeability is often more important than competence to the people that matter: the voters. that's a bad thing, but as an outsider that's what i look for when trying to gauge what i think your country will do. And i am interested in what your country does because arguably your elections affect Canada more than our own elections do.
  14. Yep, Canadian. As @Doc pointed out, likeability is more important than competence when it comes to getting the votes. Sure some people vote based on competence but the majority vote based on presentation. That's a sad reality, i don't think that is a good thing, but it usually is the. Who can lie best. Who can *seem* competent. Who looks like they can deal with adversity. None of those things mean they are the best for the job. DeSantis may very well be more competent. DeSantis is so awkward, going from fake smile to relief and back. He's kind of a whiney kid type, but every once in a while he remembers he's been told to smile so he does. Newsome fakes it much better. (both are slimy don't get me wrong). And really, you're gonna talk about poop and hold up a sign with poops on it during a debate? damn man, that's just base. DeSantis didn't need to add any more ick to himself. there are many better, more palatable points to make but he chose poop. So while Newsome has the blame, DeSantis is the one with a poop map pic circulating the internet. I'd like to see Trump debate DeSantis just once. Those on the right who support Desantis simply because he is team R would probably think differently after Trump scrapes him off of his shoe.
  15. Dune, Brave New World, Handmaiden's Tale...is that just a clever graphic or have those books been removed?
  16. I imagine the value is the same as any book on sexual materials for elementary school children, which were available when i was a kid. Most of the value there is probably to simply open conversation so that kids aren't afraid/embarrassed to talk if something wrong is happening. If the mindset is "we don't talk about that" then what happens if they need to? Ultimately though, I don't think it matters much. i wouldn't waste $$ getting rid of it. I seek to understand bans (or restrictions or whatever) in an age where everything is easily available, knowing that kids will be even more curious when things are banned.
  17. Agree, I wouldn't waste precious education dollars on removing books either.
  18. Banning books, wtf? Yeah, that really stops kids lol. They have the internet and most can outsmart their parents, especially online. They will get their hands on whatever, banning only makes them want to try harder. Sure, parents rights and all, but generally kids dgaf. Heck, without internet we got porn at waaaaay too young an age (7 maybe?). And i *think* i turned out fine. Had to wait till about 11 or 12 for the anarchist cookbook. And then the supreme disappointment at probably 13 when i read the famously banned (and only wanted it because it was banned) "Catcher in the Rye".
  19. As an outsider looking in, the "issues" don't matter here, lies were everywhere, it's about likeability plain and simple. Newsome came off like a typical politician type who is well spoken and knows the game. We have seen his ilk many times before. Even when he was wrong or took a shot he let it roll off him and kept going. Not saying he would make a good president but he looks and acts the part in a stereotypical way. DeSantis is so unlikable with the awkward smiling it's cringeworthy. The poop map was in such poor taste and he stood there grinning "gotcha!" Really, you went to poop? Lol it was pretty bad. When he was under fire ugh man it's almost unbelievable that he hasn't learned how to deal with it. You think he would have learned from Trump but he is no Trump, not at all.
  20. No. And if so, to what end?
  21. melon farmers are pretty great. they bring us melons. i like melons. maybe you don't like melons? that's a shame. what's especially cool is that we have a melon farmer who is also an absolute STUD QB! too bad you dont like melons or stud qbs you would probably enjoy life more but what do i know im just a guy who likes melons and stud qbs.
  22. I don't believe you lol
  23. Good old trends that have zero relevance
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