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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. we all should love each other. sometimes we dont agree but we find ways and compromise.
  2. how about just loving each other regardless? you really think most trans people want to push an agenda beyond the same one you espouse "just be who you are" (ie not "be who i want you to be") there are some lefties who hate Rs and Christians and those who support trump for exiating and that is wrong for sure. and i dont think there are many trans people doling out punishments.
  3. wow, the hatred runs deep...especially for a set of people most know nothing about or have personal experience with. yes, there are bad people in the world, some of whom are trans. what a revelation. i thought jesus loved everyone and that Christians strive to act like Jesus. he seems like a great person...what is with all of the hatred? why is it so insulting to celebrate anything or anyone other than Easter on Easter? do you really think jesus would meet this with hatred, or with love? i think he would be ashamed of what has been perpetrated in his name. edit: Christianity has such promise in concept but in practice...not so much. to quote irv, "what a mess".
  4. If only McDermott interviewed better, we would win all the superbowls.
  5. Seems a little extreme, but assuming you are correct you should not look to Rs or Ds for the answer. They are both playing you.
  6. i like his knack for making big plays. that's hard to teach. if he could just be halfway decent the rest of the time he'd be pretty good, that can be taught.
  7. meh, english has a habit of dropping hyphens over time. why not be ahead of the curve?
  8. who can be so overtly covert? sometimes even covertly overt? f-ing a man!
  9. Kids have been learning about families in school for a long while. And before you misunderstand, yes, porn is not for kids.
  10. i am missing nothing. loved josh since we drafted him, love watching him play, it's a tonne of fun and just amazing athleticism on display. yes i want to win a superbowl but i enjoy watching our qb separate from that.
  11. sooooo...the people who are getting promoted, where did they come from? were they born at OBD?
  12. not me. i watched the games back then to find any hope at all that we might be good. the flashes of good plays and players. it was generally depressing that we didn't have much. now, we have a very good team with superman at qb. win or lose, most of the time it's just awesome to watch. the incredible athleticism and unbridled aggression on both sides of the ball. every game, at almost any point, i think "we can win". it's been a long time coming so i'm determined to enjoy the ride.
  13. im more of a game day shout box guy. i keep a level head and mock those who say "game over" because something bad happened. i enjoy watching the games and seeing great plays from both teams, seeinh great strategies, etc. i want the Bills to win but i know every game is 50/50 so i don't get bent out of shape if they lose. i have a harder time sleeping after an awesome win.
  14. there have been 57 super bowls and not one has been won by Buffalo. guess we should all just give up. damned statistics creating reality again!
  15. blitzing mahomes is unwise.
  16. Sorry to say... U R dum
  17. The PI was the right play once he was beat. He prevented a TD that play. Then he prevented the TD on that drive with the int. Both smart plays. I hope he can improve in other areas because he has a real knack for interceptions.
  18. i agree elam is tbd. he has been injured all year. knowing this staff's penchant for training corners i think he will succeed in the end. sure would be cool if he does!
  19. The patriots wind game had a bad outcome. But we learned something: Josh can throw in that wind. We figured it out too late in that game but going forward we should not fear the wind.
  20. So is your conclusion that Miami's defense was in fact not depleted?
  21. Maybe, maybe not. We will never know all we know is the dolphins bested the cowboys.
  22. ...or wins you games.
  23. Join us on the high seas matey, 'tis most convenient.
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