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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. where is the test? just saying a karyotype is not proof
  2. it is not interest, it is just more us vs them. yawn. and i feel the same way about both vp picks. as for Trudeau...he has little to no power over us compared to the USA.
  3. Zero proof that she is not a woman. ZERO. Utterly abhorrent to attack another human with no real reason, just chomping at the bit to hate whoever is next i guess? Yes, protect women's sport. This is not the way to do that.
  4. Haha yeah, i don't believe the trump dictator nonsense either.
  5. I think the 10 people in here in constant outrage mode is not a good indicator of the general bills fanbase. This forum is a holdover from the old forums, my guess is very few at TBD actually frequent ppp because the general feeling is "it's a cesspool".
  6. Riiiight. "Dictator" Trudeau will be voted out next year. Through the power of his dictatorship he will relinquish power to the other side. Cause that's what dictators do.
  7. totally agree about viciousness. it's unhealthy and unnecessary and it's rampant among the political spectrum.
  8. i would rather be a gross lady at Applebees than a feckless beauty queen with delusions of moral superiority at... Salvatore's? (Salvatore's is the only Buffalo area "fancy" restaurant i know).
  9. maybe. he had others though. it's not about his lies or anything to do with Trump really. it's about showing that she can fight the good fight, be tough, stand up for herself and others and, most importantly, not get upset by Trump's attacks. I'm sure she did that in court. I haven't seen her do it much the past 4 years, she's been wearing the "everything is ok" mask that most VPs need to, she needs to pull the switch for her to do well.
  10. jeez man, do better. or be best. whatever the saying is now. just..."ugly"? that's a valid retort? no wonder you guys can't be friends, always fighting, no matter what, keep that fight train going, cause that's what Americans love i guess
  11. nah he has been much better than that. Clinton "he pays no taxes" Trump "that makes me smart" - that alone was both correct AND hilarious. and of course the constant "on the attack" style is exactly what the base and Rs want. i think it works very well for him. if he can manage to stay on topics important to voters, and not how black Harris is for example, he will be fine.
  12. The lefties saying Trump is terrible in debate have not been paying attention. He's been just fine, does what he needs to do. Although i will say he was better vs Clinton than Biden, he was funnier and less doomy. There are more questions about Harris' debate skills. Not great during the primaries, blase in the VP debate (but those debates are usually blase), stronger in Senate hearing type situation. If she can tone down the politik act and channel her inner prosecutor i think she can get tough and do well, but if it's just more...pandery 'meh'...it won't serve her well.
  13. let me guess... R's hate Walz cause he's a democrat. Fight! D's hate Vance cause he's a republican. Fight! once again, the centrists have to be the adults in the room.
  14. never got to see Triumph but i have done work at their studio and it was amazing. lots of gold records on the walls. meh, Trudeau isn't a communist, he's a neocon like our other main party. one and the same. he had a chance to prove different with electoral reform (we are still using obaolete fptp like you guys) but lied and did nothing instead. dont worry though, we Canadians have a fine tradition of voting people out when we get sick of their face and it seems that Trudeau has crossed that threshold.
  15. well then enjoy your descent into communism, i guess? at least you can say you went down honestly, not the kind of consolation prize i would strive for but hey i live under a monarchy with a democratic parliament things stay the same unless actual heads roll
  16. when it comes to winning, i consider myself ruthless. that's not very Canadian of me, i know, but winners write the history books. so when i see all these accusations vs Ds i can only wonder what it will take for the Rs to clue in. or, you know, die on the supposed moral high ground.
  17. why are the Rs so far behind in election tactics (including cheating)? if you really believe your country is on the line then winning should be your top priority.
  18. why bother talking policy until we know she is really running? i mean, I HEAR THERE IS A BIG MOVEMENT TO “BRING BACK CROOKED JOE.”
  19. oh, don't get me wrong, attacking is the right thing to do i'm sure. it's America, fighting is what you do. i'm just saying "weird" is a lame attack.
  20. i am Canadian. unfortunately USA politics influences our country more than our own politics. so i have to be interested. glad to be a hoser, at least you didn't call me American that's the top Canadian insult! (i kid, i love the USA)
  21. ah yes, destroyed tampon boxes, the pinnacle problem of our time. i should have guessed i know about boys destroying bathrooms. once when i was around 7 years old in the school bathroom i saw an older boy clogging the urinals with paper towel. i have to admit, i thought it was funny. i grabbed one paper towel, ONE, and put it in the urinal, just as the older boy was leaving and a teacher came in. 1000 lines of "i will not clog the urinals". i will never forget my lesson.
  22. i thought "weird" was a low effort D attack on the Rs. lame. then "Tampon Tim" lol oh boy what an insult! i can't imagine the myriads of problems that have come with tampons in all bathrooms at schools... do better.
  23. Nah, no need to get into policy, Joe's staging a come back.
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