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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. Carpenter's "The Thing" doesn't need a sequel, it has one of the best endings ever. As for the new prequel, I am sure it will be terrible like so many other 'remakes'. We can only hope it will be decent.
  2. I WAS going to start another "bring back JP" thread, but this seemed like more fun...
  3. yes - it is inspired by Greg Egan's writing. I wrote this music after reading Diaspora. Certainly my 'story line' isn't above your pay grade if you are reading Greg Egan! Maybe I just need to learn to write...good.
  4. written by a fellow waller (me). http://www.archive.org/details/Orphanogenesis enjoy!
  5. pretty weird...they are showing the colts game instead. don't think i've ever experienced that (except for blackouts). thank goodness for the internet - i can still watch the bills!
  6. Doesn't it seem strange that we have had two 4:00 kickoffs in a row? I thought the late start time was intended for west coast teams. CityTV in Toronto has a contract with the NFL to show 4:00 games only. Is it possible that the NFL has moved these games so that fans in Toronto can watch them on their local station? As a fan in Hamilton I must admit, it is great that I KNOW I can watch the game but 3 late starts in a row seems...odd.
  7. Really? I think Jauron will diffuse TO, making him less of an issue than he ever was. Jauron's almost complete lack of emotion might actually help us this time. I can see it now: T.O.: WTF? Gimme the G*Ddamn ball! Jauron: Well, you know Terrell, that's the way it is sometimes. T.O.: WHAT? fer christsake i'm gonna go apesh*t on your *ss! Jauron: *yawn* ... don't you know how hard it is to win in this league? T.O.:
  8. http://www.thelittleappfactory.com/applica...php?app=iPodRip program called ipodrip. works great.
  9. If he doesn't have it already - Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. Incredible book!
  10. should i bother telling you why this is wrong?
  11. probably: "I've seen everything." j'ai vu tu - this isn't proper french, so it probably is tous. yay canadian education!
  12. i guess watching game highlights are ok...but i'd much rather watch the whole thing. that torrent site was pretty good about not spoiling the score before i watched it too!
  13. http://forums.tenyardtorrents.com/ missed the game last week, caught it monday morning!
  14. for opening video files on a mac, use VLC. it opens pretty much everything.
  15. When Tom Donahoe was looking for a new coach after the Gregggg fiasco, I thought to myself, " he'll learn from his mistake and make sure he goes out and gets a hard-nosed coach with head coaching experience." I was sure of it! Why didn't this happen, though? Did he really choose Mularkey over the likes of Weis? Or was it Ralph Wilson's decision (big time coach = $$$!)? Tom Donahoe's tenure as a gm has been discussed here ad nauseum, but imo many of his personnel decisions have been good ones. If the head coach decision was his, then by all means he should be canned for making the same mistake twice. However, if ralph was too cheap to get a good coach, he should give Donahoe one more chance, and let him hire a REAL head coach! ps. i realize i am speculating somewhat here, but what the hell! we suck!
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