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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. Crayonz was eloquent compared to this drivel.
  2. to answer the OP, i say improve special teams. according to : http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/drivestatsoff2013 we rank 30th in average starting position after a kickoff. this translates to the league's worst starting drive position for our defense: http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/drivestatsdef2013. amazingly, our defense allowed the fewest yards per drive in the league. what a defense!
  3. As other posters suggested, try to get a receiver only. You'll have many more inputs and outputs to play with than with a blueray/reciever combo. The computer is a special case. You will either use HDMI , optical audio, or 6 separate analogue outputs from your computer...you'll likely have HDMI or optical. Most recievers accept these as inputs. As for software, you need to setup your operating system to use the appropriate output (HDMI, optical or analogue) for 5.1. You will likely be able to test each speaker separately from the software, which can be handy. It may be necessary to configure each media player you use (netflix, vlc, etc) to use the proper output as well. Of course this all depends on your computer's components. If you don't have the appropriate outputs for 5.1, adding a piece of hardware might be necessary.
  4. perhaps the meaning is more sinister, 'everything is going according to plan...the waiter answered exactly as i expected. muahaha!'
  5. i am from hamilton. this is a terrible idea. our inept local government has had a hard enough time upgrading ivor wynne stadium, an NFL stadium is waaaaay over their heads. it would sadden me to see the Bills move anywhere. as bills1960 puts it, "these are the Buffalo Bills".
  6. PI happens on almost every hail mary and rarely gets called...that point is moot. as for the interception/touchdown - if jennings had both feet down when only he had the ball, it's an interception...but he didn't. by the time jennings gets BOTH feet down (which takes a while in slow-mo), possession is simultaneous. if jennings had simply knocked the ball away, the game is over and there is no controversy. terrible play by jennings.
  7. ok, two days late but still...it's a great song.
  8. you mean games when the receivers caught the ball and the offense seemed to click? those were the games i was watching...
  9. bah, it was a good call. That was the kind of play that was working for us earlier in the year. got to actually catch the ball...
  10. No love for Pulp Fiction? Jules: "What ain't no country I ever heard of. They speak English in What?" Brad: "What?" better not go further, language filter might overload...
  11. This is why i think the original Texas Chainsaw holds up. Very little gore or effects (i don't think there is any actual bloodletting in the film), just some really bad situations and your imagination running wild...
  12. My favourite: Susperia. Argento is the master. The absolute scariest (for me): the original Texas Chainsaw. The remake is terrible.
  13. no way this happens. Russel can't bring either hero to the jury and he knows it.
  14. if his acceleration really IS that incredible (IRL) he is gonna be great. so few guys really have it. high acceleration is a killer!
  15. yeah, there are ways to rip those. of course, you could always do it the old school way and dub the CD. point is, it can't be stopped.
  16. there is no such thing, and the recording industry execs are foolish to think that they could EVER shut down piracy. Instead of suing their customers, perhaps they should find new ways of generating cash with their assets. They won't, tho, and may die in the process. Not sure what is going to happen, but there is a big movement towards artists independently releasing their own material. IMO, that is a great thing. I'd rather pay for a CD knowing that most of the $ goes to the artist and producer, instead of execs.
  17. It's actually worse that it seems. They don't need people to voluntarily install software, as many computers come equipped the fritz chip which could allow these industries to enforce DRM without the user's consent. Very scary indeed.
  18. May I add Defender of the Crown and Bruce Lee to that list of awesome games? And of course, summer games...a game which required actual physical activity. A precursor to the Wii maybe?
  19. That one part of the flute riff is exactly the same tune as kookaburra, like it is being quoted, which it probably is. Plagiarism? For that 5 second riff, yes. Worth 60% of royalties in compensation? That is the ridiculous part. I seriously doubt the reason that song was so popular was because it quoted kookaburra.
  20. I would argue that Belichick is one of the most charismatic coaches out there. Sure, he ain't pretty, but he is a master manipulator.
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