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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. yeaaah...the evidence has come in and now we know definitively that Dareus injured himself on purpose. it is fact that this loss was his fault.
  2. the joke itself is fine, who cares. tytt's "facts" are the actual joke in this discussion.
  3. fair enough. I'm reserving judgement since I don't know the true cause of his injury.
  4. I'm not suggesting tytt is advocating the outcome. I'm suggesting that statistics can be insightful and may guide us on how to better address the issue instead of just accepting the stats as immutable. We should be looking at how can we help the children of same sex couples have more success, and change the stats.
  5. But what can we do? I think we should do more than just observe the situation and say "too bad...statistically, that kid is screwed." Perhaps the statistics you have referenced can change over time if an effort is made.
  6. It's not always a choice. One parent can die, for example. And even if your correlation statistics are 100% correct, which is doubtful, perhaps we should be looking at the reasons why that is and address it constructively instead of just saying "welp, the only answer is less non-nuclear families." You know, actually help out that kid who had a parent pass away so he/she can be a part of the "best results".
  7. so then why did you provide a comment? twice no less?
  8. This past April I was celebrating Passover with my family. I wanted to cue up some passover music, so I went to youtube and typed in "passover". Discovered this band and we now have a new Passover tradition! https://youtu.be/iz1nq1hmVCE?t=17m42s EDIT: The band is called The Black Angels, and they rock!
  9. sure there were a couple not so great calls, but the problem yesterday was missing/being late on the long throws. if you hit one of those we are in business. the receivers were burning the pats cbs all night.
  10. worse than tv, not much better than any other streams.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz7_3n7xyDg Edit: now i know how to link
  12. so in the end, the chief's record was around 50X louder. it would have been cool to set a new record, but that is amazing.
  13. It's an episode of Hitchcock presents called "Lamb to the Slaughter"
  14. I am a Canadian Jew who is vaccinated. My child is also vaccinated. Am I allowed to enter Disneyland?
  15. Perhaps, but is it as helpful as a o e u i d h t n or s?
  16. Yes, I made the switch many years ago after reading that QWERTY was designed to slow down typing. I hate crap like that...sticking to a tradition even thought that tradition is clearly inferior. What the hell is ';' doing on the 'home row'??? Whenever I am unsure of my decision to switch, all I need to do is start typing on someone else's keyboard. I feel my fingers stretching further and general discomfort when I do that. Interesting things about Dvorak: 1) It really annoys other people when they borrow your computer for a minute. Of course they can't type on it, so they have to switch the OS over to qwerty. And if you physically switch your keys over to Dvorak as I have, it can be pretty funny. Don't look down! 2) I work in IT, so I am often other people's computers. Then I am stuck in qwerty mode for a minute. It took me quite a while to be able to switch back and forth from qwerty and dvorak smoothly...I am finally bilingual (bitypual?). Now I find myself commiting cross-keyboard typing errors (not that much, but sometimes). 3) Even IT guys think it is nerdy.
  17. lots of ways to go in terms of the actual recipe, but IMO, the key is San Marzanos. edit: i buy them at costco here in canada, where they are about 1/4 of the price you will find at the grocery store.
  18. sysadmin here. Greg F has nailed it. First, 5 Mbps is not your problem, you should have plenty of throughput available for that. Check that your provider is not limiting your bandwidth, change providers if necessary. Second, the raid. Software raid won't get the job done, especially when it comes to recovery (speed takes a hit too). The array must be hardware controlled and even then you have to be careful that the raid card is legit. Even then, you have to be careful. Sometimes a server will come with 'built-in' hardware raid which is in fact raid software that runs from the BIOS. That's what we call 'fakeraid' and it is garbage. The array MUST BE HARDWARE RAID, accept no substitutions.
  19. I am a canadian from hamilton and I love buffalo! This Pegula news is so great, couldn't be happier for you guys, it's like watching someone you love open a christmas present.
  20. i thought this thread was about this show (Utopia series UK): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2384811/ save for the name, these shows have nothing to do with each other. one difference being: the series is great!
  21. if you are not using it already: http://memcached.org/
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