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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. i started with 10 hives, and kept splitting them as they multiplied. now i have 40 hives and not enough time. oh well, the bees are happy! this year i'm hoping to target certain areas for types of honey. there's some property about 1/2 hr away from me with tonnes of acacia trees and they will let me drop some hives there.
  2. they look good, but i am afraid of earbuds...
  3. the headphones use bone conduction, yes. cochlear implants don't. they use electrodes connected directly to the nerve, bypassing most of the human hearing system entirely. people who need cochlear implants wouldn't get much out of bone conduction. I want to be aware of my surroundings while listening as well, and opted for "on ear" headphones (the V-MODA's). my exercise of choice is swimming though...i've got to check out some waterproof bone conduction headphones!
  4. Cochlear implants have electrodes attached to your cochlear nerve...these use bone induction. Not similar. That said - how do you like the sound compared to traditional headphones?
  5. earbuds are frightening - way too easy to damage your ear. for regular listening, i bought v-modas. bought them for my daughter too. i'm not sure if !@#$ kids gave her a hard time but her headphones beat beats any day of the week and she knows it. they are tough, great sounding headphones.
  6. Oh man this Trump victory is the gift that keeps on giving. i was ready to enjoy the salty tears no matter how the election went, but in retrospect, the Dem's reactions are the best. Is there such a thing as schadenfreude overload? Thank you America!
  7. wtf is going on. I'm a lefty, I'm from Canada...and this amuses the hell out of me.
  8. Trump visits the White House, Obama's staff reacts:
  9. You evil deplorables! You crushed their dreams!
  10. yeah there was all sorts of wrong in that sequence, i wonder if that was the refs way of showing Carp his faking was not appreciated.
  11. did anyone else think that Carp was faking it a bit? He was trying to coerce on a flag. He looked injured at first, but when the med staff came over to him, he was pushing them away frantically, because he saw that there was no flag and he knew he would be taken off the field for a play. it was a dirty hit to be sure, but that's what i saw.
  12. As a curious onlooker from your BFFs up north - what kind of power does a president in the USA hold when the senate is the opposite party? If Trump wins but the Senate goes Dem, what can he do for Republicans? He seems to be the kind of person that does whatever is popular, is it possible that he would do what a Dem Senate wants? I don't think Trump cares much about policy at all, except when it effects him directly. For example, let's say a Dem senate wants to change obamacare and move towards a system closer to Canada's. Can Trump stop that? Can Trump insist on repealing obamacare? Can Trump just flip and say "whatever the people want..."?
  13. i love nothing about her. As a Canadian i'm finding the whole thing both amusing and horrific.
  14. yes, it's just that your comment coincided with the emailz announcement, as if that was the backbreaker.
  15. yes, revisiting the Clinton email scandal is what will doom your country... The hyperbole from both sides is impressive...but sadly, not surprising. ps. i really hope you guys will be fine.
  16. Welp, here's to always staying on the right side of potential success! First step: get off the internet http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/amp/53/9/1017/ unless you like maximizing your chance of depression, loneliness and stress. As for Pasteur, I shall not argue with him except to say, "not if the robots get us first."
  17. strawman...not my intention. It was simply an example, and I think it was pertinent but if you don't then just ignore it. My point wasn't to call you homophobic or anything, I apologize if you were insulted. My point was that statistics can change over time, and often do, and that sometimes it is people's attitudes that create the change (and oppose it). No matter the example, the question still remains the same: Can you not see a future where these problems don't exist? And yes, i would make an argument regarding sexual preference and STDs although I realize that presently you are correct, so i wouldn't word it quite the way you did. Not because feelings. Because we as a society have decided to meet STDs head on and fix that problem. Better condoms, better medicine, better prevention. Should we not move towards a future where STD prevention is super effective and the chance of getting an STD is mostly equal for everyone (ie very close to 0)?
  18. i see. so, for example, no one should come out as gay because 100 years ago it was fact that you'd be totally ostracized and have a terrible time with life? and even now, there's a (just throwing out a random number here) 30% greater chance of being ostracized for being gay? and society as a whole shouldn't be encouraged to accept it, or change, because outcomes were really bad 100 years ago and are still bad now? Can you not see a future where these problems don't exist? Are you saying that then, and only then, when homosexual and heterosexual, nuclear and non-nuclear, etc, are seen as having equal opportunity in society, would you accept coming out as gay or entering a non-nuclear family as a good idea? This is how society changes, for the better imo. or maybe we should go back to separate seating arrangements on buses?
  19. No, the outcome is fine and I do not subscribe to the leftest narrative you espoused. Maybe the study means exactly what you claim it means (i don't think it does, but let's go with it). You basing how you treat other people on these studies is what I find unappealing (and was the basis of this conversation). I'm not sure which came first, the study or your attitude towards those in non-nuclear families, but assuming you read the study and then thought "hey, this study means people entering into a non-nuclear family don't deserve my respect because they should know the statistics and know their decision is poor" your reasoning is flawed. What if they didn't see the study? Further, there are so many other factors involved that you ignore. Again, we are assuming non-nuclear family means poverty is more likely. Isn't it a good idea to ask 'why'? Maybe it is the attitudes of others regarding the non-nuclear family which supports the likelyhood of poverty. Maybe if society shifted their view (which happens) the non-nuclear family can rise out of the dregs. That is one example of another factor, and there are many others. I still fail to understand why you let these studies fuel you attitude. Why not make life better for people, why not try to shift the view of this problem and address the problem. It seems like your answer is "don't be in a non-nuclear family". That doesn't work for an increasing amount of people, I don't think it's a good answer.
  20. My evidence is that there is likely a third (or fourth or fifth) factor that has been ignored or missed by the studies. Maybe the cause is the attitudes (in my opinion, ignorant attitudes, but to each their own) of some people in our society regarding non-nuclear families. There could be other causes as well. Point is, your 'evidence' is weak. Edit: this is not to say your quoted studies are worthless, they were done for a reason. Taking the results as 'fact' is just silly though.
  21. Really. Feel free to correct me (as I will you - it's "YOU'RE" ffs) but 'the point' is that it is Dareus's fault that he is injured and therefore it is Dareus's fault that we lost. If the injury is his fault, then sure, burn the witch. But the actual fact here is we don't know what happened. Maybe he got injured in practice through no fault of his own like so many other players do...is that not a possibility or even likely? Perhaps you are some sort of insider with actual knowledge of the situation. Please enlighten us if so. Otherwise, you are just another of many here who draw conclusions based on not much. At least you are in good company.
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