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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. i know some cat owners that had success with this: http://www.feliway.com/ca_en/
  2. Of course a rock band could be huge, but it is not just the media that determines current taste. there are many factors. music has taken a step back in terms of distribution. we are back to selling "the single" instead of full albums. not saying whether that is good or bad (i love albums though) but that's what sells now. you don't need to leave your home to hear music. just dial up youtube or what have you and go to town. live shows seem are not in fashion. of course there are live shows, but they are not the main method of distribution like it was back in the time of the troubadours. Rock embraced the album and live show. And i think it could be argued that a live rock show where you (supposedly) see musicians playing instruments is a little more interesting than lipsynched pop show or pressing play on your macbook and rapping on top, on average (there are some amazing hip-hop live shows). and so, for a kid growing up with, for example, mostly hip hop, the desire to see a live show is not as strong. like most things, i expect a big swing in the opposite direction at some point. kids who have only seen their favourite music on youtube from the comfort of their ipad are going to figure out what they are missing, be it rock, albums, live shows. well, i hope that's what happens because i've been playing in bands all my life and have seen the decline of live music and album listening first hand. either that, or my band just sucks.
  3. A role??? no, please, anything but a ROLE. you know what is amazing though...the amount of people here who know all about Russ Brandon. Did all of you guys meet him at a party or something?
  4. it may be fine, it may be bad, certainly no way to know until it happens. Give her a chance ffs!
  5. "Most likely McD and the Beane have relationships and connections to some Scouts and will succeed in bringing them to the Bills- but it will not be enough." they will bring people in as you say. how do you know so definitively that it will not be enough? do you know them personally or something?
  6. i don't know about this. one time someone sent me an assortment mexican candies. they were all terrible. the fact that they were in cute packaging made it worse, i had good thoughts going in but nothing could have prepared me for how bad they were!
  7. impaired driving is a serious issue, i absolutely agree with you. pot included. creating a church to worship a plant is...i don't know what to say. i suppose it is just as asinine as any religion. although it may make impaired driving offenders easier to spot so that's good. however, even if smoking pot is only bad i don't see the point in being self-righteous about it. perhaps you have never done anything morally questionable?
  8. what's wrong with a 5th rounder for gillislee? looks like a good deal.
  9. his coaching style is obviously terrible - he hasn't won a single game.
  10. he did not ruin my childhood with bad movies. he made my childhood great! and then he made some bad movies.
  11. "Is it in fact unfair to criticize a formerly great artist for his later day sins; is it better to burn out than to fade away?" it is a great question. burning out is probably better for your legacy, fading away is probably better if you want to live life. dying young was great for Hendrix's legacy, but not so great for Hendrix himself (for example). i'm not sure it is unfair to criticize. i do give great kudos to Lucas for starwars and indiana jones. i love those movies (the good ones) with all my heart. they helped define my childhood. I would have loved to see Vader as a kid, they just addressed it wrong imo. it should have been a tragedy when he fell from grace, the mirror to the moment when he redeems himself in jedi. instead, i felt nothing. i didn't care about that character at all. it would have been interesting if he had some Vader traits earlier, hyper emotional and empathic, incredibly intelligent for his age, things like that. instead of being good at pod racing, all they had to do was show his mind for a moment, perhaps echoes of his mother's worries in his head. the way it was presented, he was kind of the bumbling fool type who just happened to press the right button at the right time.
  12. regarding the prequels...they were terrible imo. and not because of the reasons most people state. i was fine with jar jar, and pod racing, and all the silly childish stuff that people hated (although the darth vader "noooooooo!" at the end of III was just embarrasing). that stuff reminded me of jedi, and i liked jedi. the problem with the prequels was that the acting and storytelling went to crap. it was not a believable universe. the acting was atrocious. the only person who was remotely decent was obiwan. and the storytelling was so bad: honestly, how do you ruin the mystic of something like "the force"? what a beautiful thing to just leave in the spectator's minds and hearts to figure out for themselves. how do you ruin a wonderfully tortured soul like vader, turn him into a joke, when all he had to do in the first movies is show up and he was frightening, and of course the twist which made him human/a tragic character. turning from good to wholey evil for no real good reason. no actual intrigue into how he came to be evil, simply the ultimate copout really. i'm no writer, but he should have been betrayed by obiwan first and THEN turned. and it should have been a long process to turn, not just "one day i decide to embrace the dark and kill children" imo lucas deserved the flak he got. he was the director. his actors sucked. his story sucked. that's on him. visuals and fun stuff was great, but that's all it was, fluff and nothing else. nothing deep AT ALL.
  13. come on. crayonz was way better than this. waaaaay better.
  14. i, for one, am glad that we didn't draft gronk...or brady for that matter...because now we get awesome threads like these! hurraaaaaaay!
  15. MST3K ah what a great show. The perfect thing to put on when you don't know what to watch, or if you don't feel like paying full attention and want to make dinner or do something else productive while watching. Last one i saw was terrible though, "The Dead Talk Back". That movie was so bad that the guys didn't know what to do with it. I almost didn't make it to the end and when i did i regretted it.
  16. Get a MAG box with IPTV subscription. shouldn't cost more than $20 a month and you will have it all.
  17. Black Locust, that's the one! the bees love them, but i only have a couple trees around me, thus my desire to temporarily move the bees to a place where the Black Locusts are aplenty.
  18. I was 7, she was 5. She had beautiful long blonde hair. I cut off her ponytail and threw the evidence in the fire. yeah...i got in trouble for that one. and then my dad made it worse by trying to fix things, he cut her bangs to about 1 inch length. we still have the school photos that were taken shortly thereafter to prove it. ahhh...good times.
  19. No I am not sure if they are Acacia, but that's what people call them around here. They are large trees with huge clusters of white flowers that bloom in May and smell like Jasmine. They have some nasty thorns on them too. "tonnes" - yeah, i'm used to British spelling, being from Canada. as for your vegans - i have heard that vegans don't eat honey. you know, cause it's cruel to let bees do...what they do normally. The "fact" that it takes the bees 48,000 miles (what are those??) of travel seems weird. that number really depends on whether flowers are close by or not. bees aren't dumb, they will travel less if they can. you can see that the bees are tired when no flowers are in bloom close by and they have to travel to the neighbour's and beyond.
  20. i'm near hamilton, ontario. I've got 40 acres of wildflowers for the bees and i'm surrounded by countryside so they can usually find something to eat. We (me and my friend who originally hails from Romania) had 1 deep with 1 medium food and 2 super up top at one point a couple of years ago, but we lost a bunch of bees. Moved to only 1 super and the hives seem much stronger. i haven't a clue what i'm really doing though, perhaps it was just coincidence but my friend assures me it helped.
  21. i started with 10 hives, and kept splitting them as they multiplied. now i have 40 hives and not enough time. oh well, the bees are happy! this year i'm hoping to target certain areas for types of honey. there's some property about 1/2 hr away from me with tonnes of acacia trees and they will let me drop some hives there.
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