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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. the name Chuck Berry will be remembered in the year 2219.
  2. As a Canadian I'd like to say I would never want this.
  3. I guess we just disagree re: Williams being "popular". What is more popular than the star wars theme? Absolutely agree we could name a plethora of symphonic composers better than Williams.
  4. it may be sugary pop but it is some of the very best sugary pop out there. writing tonally and to picture is quite limiting for a composer. Williams mastered the technique and set the stage for pretty much all film music afterward. "classical" audiences may scoff at Williams, but i think most "classical" composers would agree that some of his work has excellent qualities, foremost being well written suprisingly-not-so-simple tonal melodies. as for complexity, that's relative. complexity is a thing for some composers from the past 129 years. but there are plenty of new classical compositions lauded with praise which are more simple than a Harry Potter score, if not downright kitsch...yet somehow it is great in its simplicity/kitsch.
  5. He may be great, but he will not be remembered for his symphonic works. I stand by my answer of John Williams. His name will be remembered, he is the big daddy of film music, and he writes popular, catchy and somewhat complex works.
  6. Haha what a ridiculous statement. I'm beginning to think these analytics guys have zero concept of math or statistics. OK I kid. I knew they had no concept a long time ago.
  7. it's debatable. my opinion is it is pop music. i mean, i actually can't think of music much more popular than the star wars themes or the harry potter title. but i can see why you disagree, it's not drums and bass and singer. but definitely not popular. i agree with your radical view though, i prefer Mahler and Shostakovich (and Bartok and Berio and others) to Beethoven. and how is Bach lost in all this? Bach is #1 baby!
  8. Actually on the level of Beethoven/Mozart? Maybe John Williams, if you consider film music pop music. Zappa was great but that's not pop music.
  9. I do not understand. I have never heard of brady referred to as "Tom Terrific". Is it not a requirement of trademarks that the name in question be in regular use - at least somewhat?
  10. so you have proven josh allen is not ben roethlisberger. well done?
  11. i don't think you understand statistics. at all. although i admit that statement is based on a pretty small sample of ill informed posts. don't worry though, you are in good company
  12. me too, and i thought "is there a hand sign i don't know about?" we should have a sign!
  13. I am from Hamilton Ontario. My father went to school in Buffalo (and Rochester) ages ago and we visited often. I love Buffalo. Just like Hamilton it has had its ups and downs over the years but on the whole I have always had a great time crossing the border and having a little fun in the good old USA. Dare I say I feel a little kinship between Hamilton and Buffalo, similar cities in many ways: lots of hidden gems all over the place that you only know about if you live here and nice people with good spirits who truly love their city.
  14. actually i don't think it has been the same broken record over and over again. different players under different circumstances of different ages and different skillsets to discuss. you are free to disengage. and if fans are being 'duped' it's by sports in general. not single team.
  15. yeah...that's what he said...
  16. was this not always the plan?
  17. it is sad, all we can do is hope mcdermott works out. also, the word you are looking for is "bode".
  18. statistics, trends, same thing. i'm not saying it won't happen, i hope Allen lights it up and i think he will. it's just that articles like this that show trends do a very poor job of showing us anything about an individual. the misuse of statistics (trends) by the self professed football experts is rampant.
  19. as much as i like Allen, statistics about other quarterbacks prove nothing about Allen. just like last year when statistics apparently said he will not succeed. both prove nothing about Allen!
  20. rosters change between dec and apr. and mock drafts are never fine, they are silly. top players list is fine.
  21. good point. the helmet-to-helmet does matter. still, they miss those both ways and they can be judgment calls. it's a tough one.
  22. sure. but it goes for both teams. you can either be smart and learn how to deal with it, or be dumb and don't. my real point is that Mahomes' talent did not help the Chiefs overcome the Pats. so "mahomes mahomsing" actually isn't good enough.
  23. no, i mean losing to the Pats. just like we do. you want to make it about the refs go ahead.
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