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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. i'm going to say that he needs more experience. pretty much every qb in the league has more, considering his college team and competition. now what are YOU going to say???!??!
  2. i think he will. most of the time one must learn by doing.
  3. Completely different players.
  4. Allen has much to learn. No one should be surprised...he has very little experience compared to most. Give him time.
  5. There is only one way to learn this stuff: experience. Allen has less than most. Give him some time.
  6. yes. "should have" is a baseless statement.
  7. "should have" by what measure? seems like a misleading statement. i agree they can grow up offensively, and therefore they "should have" done exactly what they did.
  8. Twice the rb? How do you measure that, exactly?
  9. I was on board from that first phone call from Beane. Not sure what it was exactly, but there was a familiarity between them, and Josh's response sounded sincere. It sounded like this was the plan all along, and Josh was in on it. Beane: "you ready to be a Bill?" Josh: "yes sir!" me: "this kid gets it"
  10. my take is that they are progressing slowly and carefully with Allen. one thing at a time... that is an effective way to teach and learn. they are focused on the short passing game right now and are seeing vast improvement. i don't think they need more than that, they were winning with the short passes, no need to get aggressive until they feel Allen is ready for that. so yes i agree i want them to go for it. but i think the reason they do not is educationally based.
  11. i'd like for him to be good - Miami sucking is just boring. i prefer rivals that matter.
  12. i don't get why Miami is involved. if they are in sell mode, they need picks.
  13. I ignored them because there were too many. I'd say no more than three are necessary.
  14. looks like we have the perfect excuse.
  15. No. You are confused about statistics, as if such an analysis is simple. It is not. There are many confounding variables present. How do you figure for those? It takes a much deeper analysis (edit: If it is even possible with the info we have available) IMO it is those who use stats to prove things incorrectly who are lazy. These numbers do not mean what you say they mean. Do an actual, sound analysis.
  16. that's not correct. they hate him because they said his college numbers said he couldn't work. the truth is they are terrible analysts who don't know how to properly interpret data and Allen reveals this.
  17. Dune, if you count hearing character's inner thoughts.
  18. How about a dude with a shotgun mic?
  19. clearly did not read my response. and no, it is not that simple, and you have nothing to back it up. well done!
  20. many factors. for example, if his leadership is the reason a guy rises to be a star, worth it. not saying that is the case, just that it's not as simple as "too few yards for too much money"
  21. great music. i prefer a live performance, these are some amazing musicians in action:
  22. this analysis is problematic. all it actually shows is how the team's decisions lined up with an algorithm. that's it. you cannot draw any more conclusions than that. there is nothing that shows the bot is correct. maybe the bot is wrong 100% of the time. that would mean we are one of the worst decision makers (for example). analysis is fun, but far too many people draw conclusions from it when there is no basis for it. decision making is far more complicated than making a decision tree and following it.
  23. Guaranteed to go to the superbowl 60% of the time...every time.
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