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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. yeah - you can't know. i find it amazing that anyone would think it is valid. where? if i can't calculate it myself, how can i confirm the validity of their claims? how can anyone confirm?
  2. i understand what it tries to do. but how does it do it? it is important to know the method if one wants to judge its validity.
  3. is that true? DVOA has no published calculation method? if so, what a joke.
  4. It has been Allen from the phonecall at the draft: Beane "ready to be a Bill?" Allen "yes, sir" It was like they planned it all along.
  5. of course he would entertain it if the money was right. who wouldn't? 0.000000000000074% chance it happens though.
  6. i'm for Hamilton because i'm from Hamilton! oskee wee wee!!!!!
  7. @Deranged Rhino thanks for the synopsis. I hope the US can heal after all this. In Canada we are facing a similar kind of "division". A very small minority of people on each "side" are loud and get media attention and clicks making it seem like everyone's going nuts, the west is gonna secede, corruption is a new thing, mudslinging is more important than policy, any scandal is the nail in the coffin, etc. My take is the media is enabling it all for dollars, and politicians buy into it because being silent is death (not that it should be). Teaching kids self control and critical thinking might help the next generation destroy this monster we have created.
  8. Hey deranged, Canadian interested in your American sh*t show. I am curious about what you mean re: the threat to your republic?
  9. Sorry, I thought you might have some evidence to back up your opinion. Now I know it's just a baseless and irrelevant statement. Thanks for clarifying.
  10. Baseless claim, especially about an individual player.
  11. How do you know that? Do you have a personal connection with all nfl head coaches?
  12. That's a poor theory considering the talent required to coach in the NFL at all. I agree. However, winning is something to be learned as well so they try to keep games close while teaching Josh.
  13. But they do. Most play vs the elite competition. So they have seen the speed, the techniques, etc. I don't think there is much question Allen is learning more than most on the job. It is not an excuse, it is the baggage he arrived with. And yeah sorry, but Wyoming is far from the best places to grow and learn football acumen. Brain training requires experience and Allen has had less than most. I'm willing to wait and see.
  14. Agreed. This was my thought at the beginning of the season and that hasn't changed. One good thing is they are learning to win close games. Not always, but far more often than years past. This is Allen's second year in a pro offense. Most qbs learn in college, he's learning in the NFL. The coaches know this and are calling plays accordingly. That might mean they don't always call the best play but Allen must learn each type of play. He has proven he can learn and improve. Improving the talent around him will help in future. Let's give it time.
  15. I'll discuss. Allen needs work on the short game and limiting stupid errors. Like, a college career amount of work. They are doing that. I think winning a bunch has come as a little surprise and sure is helpful for the whole team's growth together. Allen's clutch moments and the D have brought those wins. Once the basics are second nature to Allen, they will add more. If you want to enjoy it, have some patience and enjoy the improvements. If, instead, you want to bang drums then I have a nice set of Slingerlands you can play if you don't mind traveling to Ontario.
  16. Socal-805 - This Thread - Why
  17. So by your logic the bills always collapse and therefore they should get rid of yet another coach that does the same (supposedly). Maybe the problem is the coaching changes. Let's try something different - consistency. And they will, no doubt.
  18. I can't laugh hard enough at this nonsense. You're killin me here!
  19. you expect too much. the offense is improving. it is going to take time. time for new players to fit in. time for the oline to improve. time for Allen to eliminate mistakes and improve. right now, the number one things they need to learn is winning. so far, so good.
  21. Even if it is self inflicted, that does not take away the amazing feat of saving Lois from the train at the last second. no less skill is required regardless of why she is tied to the tracks. Same goes for Allen. yes stop throwing ints but that does not take away from the skill and playmaking required to score in comeback mode.
  22. there is no insight to be found...
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