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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. maybe not trump, seems like some people have though.
  2. the issue here is not trump's current health or what people say about it. he should get the best treatment possible and will hopefully come out of it ok. the actual issue are the obvious mistakes and ignorance when it comes to keeping the white house clean and safe. they have all of the resources needed to make it the safest environment possible. if only someone had had the will.
  3. Rct are a terrible gold standard. They are routinely misinterpreted and misused. Damn shame really because Rct are useful, just not as useful as those invested in ebm would have you believe.
  4. Welp, this whole thing sure looks baaaaaad on trump and team. It will hurt him in the election to be sure...just how much remains to be seen.
  5. i must disagree, well, mostly. my beef with the pundits and stats lovers concerning allen has been that they use statistics improperly and are in complete denial about that fact. there were so many confounding variables where allen is concerned. yes, he improved more than many qbs have. but he had so much reason that he might improve, namely, he never played anywhere near an nfl level when many others had. wyoming isn't much prep for the nfl whereas other schools are. so in a sense, allen has been a few years behind comparable qbs and instead of learning in college he had to learn on the job in the NFL. now things are slowing down for him and he can play. it is not all that shocking when you look at it in context. i don't think it was a conspiracy regarding allen. i just think the pundits used their supposed math/analysis skills to interpret data and they did it wrong (and they continue to do it wrong). the analytics crowd need some hard lessons in statistical analysis and allen has provided that in droves. in their defense, there is a tonne of poor statistics going around in this world in more important sectors than sports.
  6. I don't understand this thinking. It seems you are assuming there is only one option, an absolute "best" to be found. Is that really possible? Is the "best" woman (in this case) measurably worse than the "best" man? maybe i'm an ignorant canadian but i think there are probably many people who would do a great job, men and women alike.
  7. It's 350 pages so it must be good! It is ok, most people really do not have a grasp on sampling and statistical modelling yet conclusions are drawn and systems are implemented based on such shoddy science. We see it almost every day now. PFF is a prime example.
  8. McDermott tends to bring draft picks on slow, under the pretense that they must "earn it". And so it is for Epenesa.
  9. you guarantee what physics may show, but don't know physics. quite the guarantee!
  10. so now it's become the politics of posting! wheeee!
  11. Yes, all three of the people involved with that website are evil marxists. and did you know that antifa.com is joe biden's favourite website? Hehe "official"
  12. We are all racist. The sooner everyone can get on board with that idea and talk it out, the better.
  13. Have to? no. some people care, honestly. even if you claim you don't. although you seem to considering you made the effort to post this.
  14. ahhh the ignorance and not listening continues... and i really don't get it. it seems simple to me. when someone tells you they are hurting, you listen, and you do what you can to help.
  15. i'm not sure how you can be listening and your take away is "they got the name wrong". and i don't believe you, most people don't actually understand. how can they? they have not lived the same experience and they are not willing to listen to find out more.
  16. So much ignorance in here. My take away is that people who are willing to truly listen to others are few and far between. it is a damn shame.
  17. oh i am certain i have my moments. i think i have improved quite a bit in the past 10 years or so. as a musician and composer, active listening is pretty much a requirement in my life and i have tried to use that skill when engaged in discussion. I saw a documentary which inspired me and really got me thinking about listening to each other a few years ago. It was about Daryl Davis who is a black musician who engages KKK members in dialogue, inquiring about their hatred for him. He actually listened to them and their reasoning and was able to get them to listen to him too. Sometimes, once they were done talking, the KKK guys quit the clan and gifted their robes to Daryl. I wonder if you see much evidence of constructive discourse in these threads? I don't. Perhaps that's judgemental of me, or maybe it is simply an observation.
  18. i accused "a bunch of people". that said, he could easily be both. it seems most people around here are.
  19. These threads are all the same: a bunch of people with strong opinions based on what they are told to think, whilst being unwilling to truly listen to others who are contrary. It is a shame.
  20. We did the same thing. No secrets on the internet.
  21. It is a holdover of the bread and circuses from Roman times. They did it the same way with gladiators, trumpets and timpanis. Entertainment brought to you by your favourite dear leaders, with music for brainwashus maximus.
  22. if he actually levitated that would be awesome! i know i would be happy.
  23. seems mighty tricky to support both at once. he asks his players to buy in to the process, now it is his turn to show solidarity. not sure why he has to stand for you? he doesn't ask you to give you his all, or buy into his team philosophies...in fact i don't think he asks you for much of anything. Certainly not the same as what he asks of his players.
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