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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. i find it hilarious that you think you are so different from each other. don't worry guys, there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around for all of you.
  2. Whoever you embrace, they are likely racist. Most people are.
  3. Oh hyperbole, you are a fickle mistress.
  4. Oh go right ahead, consider it a consolation prize. I certainly won't pretend biden is any great shakes.
  5. Ah right. Everything is exactly the same. Here comes that subprime mortgage crisis again, maybe a resurgence of Somali pirates? On the good side we will have analogue tv broadcasts back for a bit. But one thing i am confused about - who wins the nobel peace prize this time? Obama or Biden? Happy 2008!
  6. Ah the one with the crystal ball. Excellent!
  7. Ok we learned it. I don't see anyone around here touting biden as some amazing statesman. he is rather blasé and most people know it. Now what?
  8. most people are racist. both candidates are pretty lousy, douche vs turd like always. both have deluded followers. in the end, people vote for many reasons, some the way you describe and many not that way. so what? politics is not a game "the people" can win. for that you need a true revolution, and even then...
  9. sure, but it happens with both parties.
  10. Are you a wizard or something? You have this amazing knowledge that no one else seems to have. Or, you are full of crap. I wonder which?
  11. well, we already know about voter suppression, gerrymandering, "lobbying", and all the other things parties implement to game the system. if it is not cheating, at best it is an extreme abuse of power...semantics. as for actual cases of fraud in past, there are a plethora of examples: https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud/#choose-a-state https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwifu6n19OvsAhVJbs0KHQ1nBT8QFjAJegQICxAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.demos.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fpublications%2FAnalysis.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2ckvbztoYNwlAC31hWVjow https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2008/10/relax-john-mccain-stolen-elections-are-as-american-as-apple-pie.html or read a book, (hardcover if that's what you need): Deliver the Vote: A History of Election Fraud, an American Political Tradition by Tracy Campbell or a journal article: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40972109 it goes on and on...
  12. both parties cheat. in every election. this is not new. it is a given. win big or be at risk of losing this way.
  13. If you do math wrong, you can prove anything?
  14. polls are not wrong. they asked questions, people answered, they reported it. what is wrong is extrapolating with any certainty.
  15. i do not care if it was legal or not. don't care about the penalty either. this hit was my favourite play of the game, this is what we need, our defense to stop taking punishment and start dealing it out themselves!
  16. as someone who has actually had an terrible encounter with the mafia, i hope they put the moniker away forever. i don't care who owns it, it is distasteful at best.
  17. Oh. My. God. . . . . . . . . We're Famous!!!
  18. this, and by a large margin.
  19. this is politics. winning is all that matters and no party gives a damn how they get there. Rs are just as bad as Ds. same goes for me in canada, couple more parties hanging around but they all would do anything to win. winners get to do things, losers get to do nothing, when that is what is on the line strategy says win first be moral later
  20. What is the issue here? Rs are in charge, they can do as they please, within the rules, including changing some rules. If and when the Ds are in charge, they can do as they please, same rules apply. Seems simple to me.
  21. That the quality or quantity that one "makes faces" is a terribly unreliable measurement of leadership ability.
  22. does the talking about the the exact same stuff include gatekeeping?
  23. He doesn't care to find out? Is that not what pff purports to do? So they admit their system is flawed and do not care to fix it.
  24. certainly this point applies to both Ds and Rs. reward their behaviour, expect more of the same.
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