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Posts posted by dickleyjones

  1. 15 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    Vegan seems like a pretty healthy lifestyle tbh.  I’m not sure how one could undertake that lifestyle then eat these science project mega processed synthetic foods that look and taste like beef. How much chemistry must that take?

    simple brain chemistry is all that is required

  2. 17 hours ago, B-Man said:







    This isn’t normal or reasonable and don’t let them gaslight you into thinking it is.


    This is warped and un-American and the people pushing it should be ashamed.



    While i agree that bans are not good for society, is it not reasonable that a company can decide what they allow and do not allow in their website? I don't like the decision, but it is their decision to make.

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  3. 2 hours ago, WideNine said:


    This actually has merit when you  consider human nature is to distrust anything different and to congregate around like-minded individuals, like beliefs, and languages. We see this play out in pockets of ethnicity in NYC (Chinatown, Italians in Bensonhurst Brooklyn, etc...) as well as in social media all the time - it is not lacking in empirical evidence.


    In those larger towns I always liked the borderlands where ethnicity collided. Great food!


    The root is that as humans we "pre-judge". This can be based on our personal experiences, ethnicity, religion, wealth, media, situational, or Hollywood. The only thing that dispels prejudice is getting to know folks better. That does not mean throw caution to the wind, humans have evolved a bit to sense danger and in reasonable situations pre-judging a situation as dangerous allows us to exit safely from it. But calling the police on a black man walking in the park is a bridge too far.


    But for most situations, we just need to take time to get to know folks better, or respectfully agree to disagree. (I know, I am a poor example of that unless "respectfully" means something completely different.



    indeed. children, and even babies, judge based on what they see, hear, smell, and eventually, understand (and misunderstand). most if not all animals do this. it is a defense mechanism to be cautious of "the other". a throwback to more dangerous times in human evolution.


    and even though we grow up into (hopefully) reasonable adults, we all still make these judgements. thankfully we have the ability to self reflect and make our minds more flexible. we can stop ourselves from foolish assumption if we choose, but it takes some practice and experience. i fully admit that at times i make judgements based on how someone looks when i should not.


    I am a work in progress. we all are. we can achieve a more inclusive and less judgemental society, but it is going to take a lot of work including admitting some pretty harsh truths. people love to find faults in society and others but rarely in themselves. i know it is trite but the phrase "look in the mirror" seem appropriate, except we might want to add "hey everyone, look in the mirror".

  4. 7 hours ago, SoTier said:


    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:   


    Thank you for proving that my statement was absolutely correct. 



    Oh, but there are lots of people who smuggle illegal Chinese immigrants across the Canadian border, especially across the Niagara and Detroit Rivers.   I guess those arrests don't make the news in So Cal so they don't count, right?   


    More importantly, spotting illegal Canadians isn't the problem.  Assuming that Canadians who are here are either tourists or here legally while assuming that Latinos are here illegally is the problem.  



    It seems you are also making assumptions. Canadians have a multitude of ethnic backgrounds including Chinese and Latino.

  5. 21 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    I honestly do not understand how you can state the USA is clearly different than most of the rest of the world. I think the differences make us superior but even you don't think we are superior the difference between how our country is built vs Europe is built is easily noticable if you leave the inner cities.

    Sure there are differences, mostly superficial. Far more similarities. For example, we think we are superior too. I'm sure most western countries do.

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  6. 13 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    I can’t explain why they do it. They have multinational rosters, a Canadian franchise and make money all over the world. Same for all the other sports. They’re  entertainment not patriotic of government sponsored events. 

    Plenty of gov money in sports. And a vested interest in distracting the public. It's roman empire 101: give them gladiators so they don't notice what we do.

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