I understand that pro-football players are idolized by the young and old and are, (regardless of what they want or say), role-models to young fans, however, I am a little tired of tuning intot he NFL network and spending the first 15 minutes on the Vikings debocle on Minitonka.
In a nut-shell - you have a boat-load of multimillionaires in ages ranging from 21-30 that chartered a boat for some...male entertainment. I have not read all the news, however, I do not think any of the players in question forced themselves any of these innocent woman of virtue. That said, these players were engaged in what I would bet is going on at this very minute in some Knights or Fire Hall for some lucky, (or unlucky), guys stag. These guys have the means and did what any of us would have done at that stage in our lives.
Peruse the yellow pages in any major city and you'll find 4-5 pages of "escorts". Unless you are REALLY thick, these are prostitutes hired primarily by white coller middle class americans with the white picket fence. Why the media acceptance or looking the other way? Some Joe salesman gets his jimmy waxed for a nickle, no big deal, a pro athlete gets a prime piece of American pie, and he get's chastised. I'll bet the athlete's date had a more memorable time.
Bottom line - 95% of American males in the age range of the players being persecuted would have given their left onion for a ticket on that cruise... And I would bet 95% of the fingers pointing at them have some skeletons they would rather not have known...