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Kipers Hair

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Everything posted by Kipers Hair

  1. Actually, maybe a name change would be in order...but I'd hate to lose all of the love I feel from the rose colored glasses wearing sheep blinding following TD on this board. You seem to be in a PMS'ing little b-tch of a mood today. Are you upset you stayed up past your bedtime to watch your beloved's get bent over a table? It's people like me that inact the changes needed....Not blind sheet that wear their colors proudly without demanding better. Now get your pom-poms out and start dissecting the Chiefs for week after next. perhaps you can figure out how to prevent them from rushing for 300 yards against this pathetic defense. Don't forget - cheer really loud and think "they'll win...they'll win...I know they will...". Sheep.
  2. well...to my knowledge...he still fumbles...no?
  3. Does anyone really buy into this whole good Karma, positive thought thing? When it comes to your personal life, I get it as we do have bearing on that. But why the whole "you need to be positive" spin with the Bills? My outlook will have no impact on what this team does. If we all hold hands while spanning America, singing Kumbaya and having positive "Bills" thoughts, will Losman be able to read a defense and lead men? Will Josh Reed stop sucking? Will our O-Line become competent? Get off it - if I want to be a disgruntled fan...so be it. Fire Donohoe now!!!!
  4. Finally - it's a hard truth, but inevitable...TD must go to start this in the right direction...
  5. Amen - bunch of freaking sissys on this site. They won, we lost...get over it.
  6. As much as New England has dropped off...we are a worse team. Last night, we lined our best against theirs and were simply beaten. Good game plan? Nice effort? Another loss by a bad team in a bad organization. I know we all got a chubby when TD inked McGee, but that like tossing a deck chair from the Titanic and saying you've lost some weight. When the real prized assets of this organization come time for renewal, (McGahee, Evens, Schoebel), say good-bye. We are back to the Bills organization of the late 70's and early 80's - simply one good players will not want to play for. As fans, we know the Ralph is a great stage, but like the denuzens of WNY knowing it's a nice place to live, desirable players will not come to play for a loser. In a nut-shell, this organization is weighed down by the leadership - all the way to the top. That said, TD's job is getting the fans to go to games and watch on TV. Given the bland team the Bills are fielding every week, he is doing a remarkable job og building excitement. The only way to bring about the revolutionary change is to stop supporting the team. One of two things will happen - they will get better or they will leave. If they are going to be a bad team, let'em leave.
  7. ON the Mike and Mike show this morning, they were going what is hashed on this site almost daily - is it better to go 8-8 and win some meaningless games, or 2-14 and better your team for the long term. It was a split - but a lot of the same things thrown out by both sides here. (For what it's worth, i am on the let's stack the deck and get a shot at an all-pro). Anyway - I am posting this as Mike Golic has already counted the BIlls out of the hunt as a playoff team - Even though they are a mere 1/2 game out of first. He thinks they just don;t have it...as many here think. That said - he's obviously a football guy with a knowledge of what it takes to play in this league - what do you guys think?
  8. Yeah - he's going bacl they say...
  9. Hold on there crap thrower. Barring injury to players, the collage season has little to do with where a player gets drafted...Does this mean we can and should only draft from teams that are in a Major Bowl Game? The players listed will probably be all first round players. As for the NFL - I think we all have a good grasp on just how good the Bills are...Top 5 pick is a real possibility... I think the thing the dragon is missing is that TD will probably unvail his genius, drop down, take D'Angelo Williams, (wont pay for McGahee), and get another 3rd rounder who we'll turn into the next Coy Wire...
  10. Yes - that is what I was trying to say...I think Buffalo is a different breed of cat. from that perspective - the area needs the team to maintain it's population. If they left, people would indeed leave, (at least I think so). That said, people stay in the area when they might otherwise leave and better themselves financially...because of this team, (which i think goes against most economic models...). So no sabotage - perhaps poorly conveyed on my part...but my point is that you cannot make the economic argument for NFL franchises - even the normal things a franchise brings to an area don't float in Buffalo. When the Colts left indy...I don't think think anyone moved away from Baltimore.
  11. I'll play along... I believe that the NFL franchise is only recognition to an NFL fan, (casual or "Bills" type). To an economist or Business type, the cities of interest are those with a vibrant economy or the ability to launch into economic viability...that would put fargo ahead of Buffalo for the purposes of this angle. Look - I love pro-football, but not for the sake of what it does for the area at all. I love the sport and everything that it takes to be a winning franchise. If Tuscaloosa FL had a Superbowl team - I would go to a game. If tuskaloosa had a job there that was attractive to me...I would move there. I don;t consider economics and NFL teams in the same playing field. Example, i moved to Dallas, (then left), for a career opportunity...The Cowboys being there meant squat. I was more attracted to seeing the UT/Oklahoma game once a year. Bills fans are a rare breed - if I were the academic type, I think it would be an interesting paper on WNY - how the fan base is so emotionally tied to the team. I would hazard a guess - IF this team were to ever pull up stakes and leave - I think a lot of people would leave the area as this team is keeping people there...and in many cases, presenting them from haveing a more economically "better" life... just my take on this topic...Now back to the Dragon....
  12. Nope - just asking the quesitons that others mght be afraid to broach. On the Thurman front - there is no way in Hell that Willis is in the same league...yet. But, i did not want to forward my opion to see what others are feeling. TT is a Hall of Famer...Willis is still a gangsta' feeling thinks out. As for Ralph - I just don;t get him letting TD run roughshod on the organization. This is the same guy that ran the "architect" of the great Bills team. He has too much moxy to let TD have his way...unless of course (a) he is senile / suffering from AZ or (b) he just wants to package for a sale. Either way, it's not a good thing. All said - not starting fires, just posting quesitons to see what other think/feel...
  13. Alright...sniffle...this is a compelling argument you pose...
  14. Thanks for the history lesson. I am neither 8, nore foolish enough to not respect that with age comes wisdom. That said, the wisdom on display these days is questionable. Going back to my initial email - Ron was rightfully questioned about his condition. Are you saying Ralph is abve this? He's an aging human that will breakdown. If you don't want to face that, place him in the cryogenic freeze before it's too late...
  15. This is an interesting angle. If the team is the only thing putting buffalo on the Map, that's sad. growing economies in Huntsville AL, Columbas OH, San Antonio, etc., do not need a pro team to get on the map. Economics is the vehicle for this city to grow - the pro team is a nice to have. I'll bet it could be argued that the Bass Pro Shops or even a Casino would do more for the denizens of WNY that the Bills....
  16. Dragon - I knew you would feel the hate...but such volumes for a first time poster...Nicely done. though you lose points for the topic...of course you'll get run. Some of the topics I attacked...and survived to see things are turning my way: - Donohoe must go. My heart swells with today's postings - Parrish was a wasted pick - We should have recruited Weiss - JP was a reach - Pat Williams needs to stay The list goes on, but don't swing on your positions...You can be an epic visionary to the cattle...
  17. Put Modrak as GM and Gray on an interim basis until you can coax Weiss back to the Pro's...
  18. Red Dragon - you are obviously a visionary that this site needs in this most desparate of times. Like cattle to the slaughter, we feel compelled to march into the stadium or bar to root for the Bills fueling some desparate hunger for belonging and perhaps community. While societies around the globe feed this need through religion or social interaction, we don the red, white and blue war colors and cheer on this army to feel something more. Opinions such as yours are always not met with the same acceptance as I show, so I would warn you to keep your guard up...but stay the course, in the end, your vision will be served.
  19. You think? Wait, there might be a gem of FB or WR who we never thought would be there...After we take this stud, we'll move our future #1 pick to draft a high motor white guy from the Mountain West in the early 2nd... Until TD leaves, or has the onions to hire a headcoach with the moxy to tell him he's wrong, we're stuck with this lemon....
  20. Floowed closely by TD spinning it and EVERYONE buying into his BS. It was another arrogant call the fits only his selfserving egomaniacle mindset. If the bastard had any heard, he would resign today.
  21. Harkening back to the old Ralph where he dealt with problems in a swift manner...I can't understand why he's languishing and letting TD run roughshod over the organization. I recall when the great Ronald Reagan started to lose his game, peple knew somehting was up. I am startiung to think we have the same problem on our hands.
  22. Where have all of you people been? I know good people run from this site for declaring this same point two Augusts ago? Now all of the suddon, hey, this guy needs to go? His same genious was on display last year, the year before, etc.. He's been dogin a great spin control since he arrived. In the end, the person that needs to wake up is Ralph....
  23. Name one quality win the Bills have had over a good team in addition to the Patriots home opener two years ago? I can't recall a nice win in addition to that one...We can only seem to beat bad team... How long are we going to stick with TD and wait for him to catch lightning in a bottle?
  24. Are you F-ing kidding me? After what you saw yesterday? Next week is the beating of a lifetime...not the season.
  25. While watching that beating yesterday, I lept thinking about someone's great post on this site after the Houston game that Jerry Grey was as good as gone next year, and that Krumrie should be the "D" coordinator. Half right - Gray should be gone next year...but so should Krumrie....
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