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Kipers Hair

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Posts posted by Kipers Hair

  1. ok, ill start by saying i did not expect to win agenst the chargers comming off their by week, in their stadium.


    but we didnt have to win that game. the season is still not over.


    we are 4-6 right now. i can still see us going 9-7, or maybe 8-8 and still make the playoffs.


    Bills remaining schedule:

    carolina, @ miami, N. England, Denver, @ Cinci, @ jets.


    we can not beat the bengals. so ill take that as a loss.


    we would have to beat Carolina, N. England and Denver all in buffalo.


    it is a long shot, but its possible.



    Look - Take a peek over the rose colored glases and see it for what it is...This team sucks badly. They are the culmination of the cowardly lion, brainless scarecrow and heartless tin man... Unless there is change with the staff there - THE SEASON IS OVER...In fact, next year is over too...At this rate, they should get it right by the time they are the LA Bills....

  2. I can't seem to figure out why a number of people seem to think Modrak would be better.  He's the guy doing most of the scouting around here, particually for college players which seems to be a big part of outr problem.  Unless someone has inside info that can bring to light many occasions where Donohoe has clearly gone against Modraks recommendations, why would anyone think he's an improvment?


    If we're going to make a change, then lets clean house and don't bring in his assistant to take over.



    You know, I wouldn't disagree, but in a battlefield promotion today - I think we would have to go with Modrak for the reast of the year to at least manage contracts and run scouting for the next guy....

  3. In the past Ralph has come forward and made comments following poor performances. Has anyone seen any quotes from him relating to the latest fiasco?



    I normally would pounce on the opportunity to crack a Ralph / ronald reagan reply...but I recall seeing silince like this before...Usually followed by a shake-up in the organization...perhaps he's meeking with his leadership team as we type...I can only hope...

  4. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/p...340/1007/SPORTS


    "It's hard to keep it at that level for 16 games, it's hard to keep it for 60 minutes," Mularkey said. "You can talk about it, and you can get eight or nine guys (of the 11 on the field at once) to do it. But to consistently get every one of them for every play, it's hard to do. You should, but it's easier said than done."


    If this is true, then Mike Mullarkey should resign, and the entire Bills organization needs to be dismantled.  If your team doesn't feel like playing football for 60 minutes, then you don't have a football team at all.


    This quote is the most damaging indictment of Coach Mullarkey, and the Tom Donahoe era.  You failed, Whitey.





    You know, what he said is true...BUT in a million years, I would never make that comment to the media. In his position, your disposition says it all...At this time, he appears ill suited to lead this team any longer....

  5. Sundays game for me was the culmination of what I had thought this Bills team was going back to August. All of the holes came to roote ina resounding beating in San Diego.


    After the home opener, I thought, maybe JP was a quick learner, the O-Line would be alright, Posey was more than a "stay at his post guy", Reed was a good 3rd option, etc.. Through the next 9 games, cracks in the foundation were there, but you got a little blinded by the thought that playoffs were still obtainable.


    Now that we have taken a beating from a team that may not even make the playoffs - we're back to the team that TD made everyone believe was better than they were. That said, did everyone really think the Bills were a team that could really make a splash in the playoffs?


    I am glad to say it - this might have cost TD his job...Good riddance...

  6. Who would you like to see the Bills keep and build around, and who would you like to see jettisoned?




    QB: JP - Stupid question

    QB: KH - good backup

    RB: WM - see above

    RB: Williams - good in spot duty

    FB: DS - he's okay

    TE: Everett - could be a weapon

    WR: Evans - rising star

    WR: Parrish - return skills alone merit roster spot

    OL: Peters - still a project but may be worth it

    OL: Villarial - plugger - Let him go...

    OL: Gandy - atleast a backup - Let him go....

    OL: Preston - Meet your new starting center

    DL: Shobel - pretty good

    DL: Anderson - backup

    DL: Denney - versatile

    DL: Kelsay - down year but talented

    LB: Spikes - top 5 at his position

    LB: Crowell - playing decent in TKO's absence

    DB: McGee - good corner, all pro return man

    DB: Greer - could start next year

    DB: King - nickel back

    DB: Baker - better value than Vincent

    DB: Milloy - anyone see Coy Wire fill in?

    K- Lindell- depends on contract

    P- Moorman- all pro




    WR: Reed- too many drops - Let him go now...

    WR: Moulds - too expensive - agreed

    TE: Campbell - not good at much - I would keep - good blocker at least

    OL: MW - take care- Waive him now...

    OL: Teague- not big enough to handle the monster DT's - I might keep as a utility guy...

    OL: Anderson - he can eat his big macs elsewhere

    DL: Adams - no thanks

    DL: Edwards - didn't do much before he got hurt

    LB: Posey - enough "he does things that don't show up in the stat sheet"

    LB: Fletcher - we can draft someone that makes 15 tackles a game 10 yards downfield

    DB: Clements - let the playmaker get his $ elsewhere

    DB: Vincent - see Baker

    Areas of need:


    Not a bad assessment...

  7. I think the PR spin is falling on deaf ears after yesterday. We can point out individual players ad nauseam but it starts at the top.


    Winning teams have most of their ducks in a row because they have a strong Owner,GM and Coaching Staff . If a few bad players pop up, they deal with it and replace them with someone who can do a better job. Good teams win because they have a balanced, talented roster which plays to their strengths. A positive atmosphere is is the result. Future free agent Vets recognize this and will consider coming here.


    What UFA in Gods green earth would be attracted to Buffalo at this point ? If multiple teams are bidding for a quality DL or OL, chances are he won't have any desire to come here.


    The Owner is too old to deal with football matters anymore. His Team President and GM has made some dubious choices which has left our OL and DL in shambles. The Coaching Staff is getting outclassed by the opposition in every road game and many home games.


    Like JSP said, We need to blow " It " up. But "It" may be the front office. The entire mentality of mediocrity is being passed on to the players. No one wants to run to the deck of a sinking ship and find your skipper is Daffy Duck.


    We need to find more talent, point taken.


    Lack of faith and direction in the front office/coaches can sink a locker room. Many are still giving a good effort and are now playing hard for pride, even though they know this current team is hopeless.


    ..and who's fault is that ? Josh Reed ? Trey Teague ? Mike Williams ?


    They may be part of the problem but they can't fix the problem... 


    I'm done blaming the players.




    This has been said for a few months now...It's kind of sad that it takes a beating like this to open everyone's eyes...

  8. The perfect WNY Saturday before a bIlls game...Arrive at Pure Platinum at around 10:00 - enjoy the finest in Canadien beuty while paying $15 or so for a pitcher. At 1:00 or so, retreat to the Barrel House until 4:00...The the Twon Restaurant for some breakfast...Get to hotel at 5:00, sleep until 9:00 and go to the game...

  9. Are you kidding? And you think Jim Kelly know about fiscal responsibility? Granted, he has natural leadership and certain charismatic qualities - but the whole of WNY is in need of a business approach to repair and not a cheerleader that will whip the troops when needed...

  10. Red Dragon - I have had the pleasure of attending many games with you, observing the same nonsense you being to light. if it were not for the beer fueled mayhem that preceeds some of these games, I could not tolerate the whole lot of face painters. As it stands now, I generally only attend for special occassions and when I want to be amused by some of the masses...wondering the whole while - "what will become of these people when the Bills move?".


    As you are well aware, the Bills don't really care about any of the tens of thousands that attend - each is merely a red white and blue painted dollar sign blindly doing what they are being led to do. When the ownership transitions to the next, and a void needs to be filled outside of WNY, devestation will ensue. I think we may need to take in another game or two down the road - just to burn the imagry into our minds...these poors misguided souls, the best of intentions there without the burdon of reality to distract them.


    Again, I applaud you for the courage you display in speaking these truths...

  11. What is wrong with you people?

    He does point out a lot of truths about this Buffalo Bills organization.

    Why must anyone who says one bad thing about this organization be branded an a-hole?


    It's not just Sully, it's anyone that speaks negative of the Bills on this board.


    So I know i'm an a-hole but:

    This team sucks, from the top down.  The President/GM is an arrogant joke.  This coaching staff sucks.  It's pitiful, the Bills are spinning their wheels, this team is not going anywhere until things change, namely getting rid of Donahoe (it did wonders in Pittsburgh)



    You'll learn...this is the cheerleading site that follows blindly like sheep...now get in line...bah...

  12. Well give him credit for responding. Obviously having his own words shoved back in his face stung him. He could have told me to f--- off. Thanks to Sound-n-Fury for digging up that article. By the way, did anyone hear me on the Bob Matthews show last night discussing Sully's article? Matthews himself, without naming Sully by name, said the guy was essentially an a--hole





    Stung him? Thet's his job to get you to read what he is writing. To get to where he is at career wise, it would take more than your or my proding to get "stung" as you say...

  13. Wilson should can TD


    The article starts of pretty good discussing the dismal record of TD....All

    that sounds fine....But the solutions this guy offers stinks.....


    The guy is effectively comparing Jim Fassel and Brian Billick to football-gods

    like Gibbs and parcells......


    What has Fassel and Billick done with their last teams that is better than what

    MM or GW have done......Billick won the SB thanks to the team that was

    already assembled.....He is yet to have a productive season with his offense.


    Fassel stunk up the joint at the Giants....and is the current OC of the

    Ravens....I think the Ravens are proabbly worse on offense than us....At least

    we have a top 5 Running game.....


    Is that all he could muster as the solution for the bills woes...If we have to

    go to a Billick or Fassel, If I were RW, I will stick with TD and MM....



    Billick or Fassel would be a huge upgrade for this dismal crew we have. Why have the Bills taken all year to realize that Peters is an upgrade at Tackle and Williams is better suited for guard? Hubris - TD took a tackle at 4 over all and that's what we got...until the noose tightened a little that is.


    Look - while TD is in the wheel house, there is no fear we would get a Billick or Fassel - they're not cut from the puppet cloth our TD loves his coaches to come fron...Maybe he'll approach Hoffner fgor next year...he was too weak to challenge the SUNY establishment on what he needed...would fit great on one bills drive...

  14. You know I love Mr T and all - but there is ample reason to suggest that TD is not fit to be a GM in the league any more. I get it that the team was a mess, but that was how long ago? I look at other teams in the same baot...and I see them as playopff contenders now. We are now relegated to the ranks of the AZ Cardinals and Detroit Lions...expected to lose year in and year out. The good teams reload and we are seemingly always rebuilding.


    And the coaching choices - yes Gregg was a bad move, but Malarky is perhaps worse. On this point, I think TD is most damaged, the Pittsburgh experience has caused him to avoid strong coaching candidates...which ultimately will prevent the Bills from being a good team....

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